The Power

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~Y/n pov~

After I made the deal with Bill, I headed back towards the Mystery Shack.

However I didn't notice the figure that snuck up behind me and tackled me to the floor.

I smiled once I realised who it was.

"Hi Mabel"

"Where have you been?!

Dipper has been freaking out, I have been freaking out

! Are you okay?"She practically screamed from on top of me.


"And on top of that Bill cipher could have tried to manipulate you!!!"she carried on.

"Uh Mabel?"

"No,you're my best friend which means that YOU are MY bestie,you can't just go and scare me like that!!!"


"WHAT?! Tell me y/n , what can be so important that you cannot let one person finish their one freaken sentence?"she asked sarcastically and overdramatically.

Then I said one sentence that I have been longing to know the answer of.

One sentence that put so much fear in her that the color in her face immediately drained.

"OMC y/n, I am so so so so super sorry.I had forgotton to tell you,I guess I was just such a shock to me when I found out that you were Fiddleford Mcgucket's daughter I-"her voice slightly raised from pure nervousness.

"Geez girl ,why don't you tell the hole town?"I said sarcastically,cutting her off.

"Y/n?" said a mans voice...

One which we both recognised.

Fear instantly ran through me.

It felt as if I had just gotten into a shower with only ice cold water...and I was trapped in it ,and couldn't shut the water off.

He stepped out from behind a tree that was concealing him.

Mabel looked towards her brother " Hey Dipper,what are you doing here,I thought you were heading towards the Shack?"

Dipper ignored her.

"Y/'re Fiddleford Mcgucket's daughter."

It wasn't a was a realisation. he knows the truth .

~Dipper pov~

Fiddleford Mcgucket's daughter.

The guy that lives in the junkyard?

Wait...back in the woods...Gideon told me that her dad went crazy.

He also told me about Bill's deal...

Then the hard hitting realisation hit me like a brick to the face.

She lied to me.

"You lied to me" I whispered,my voice barely audible.

She said nothing.

"You lied to me?!"I yelled.

She again remained silent.

"That was the deal you made with Bill Cipher in the woods. Gideon was telling the truth ,wasn't he?!

Once again...deafening silence.


She flinched ,I then felt instant remorse...I shouldn't have yelled at her,I do still love her.

'STOP IT DIPPER,SHE lied to YOU'I mentally scolded myself.

She lied to me ,she doesn't trust me...and how could I ever trust her again?

My heart clenched and tears sprung to my eyes.

~Y/n pov~

I didn't know what to say.

What was there to say?

Can't get out of this one.

I guess the only think left to do is...confess.

I sucked in a deep breath and said,my voice cracking out of nervousness "I lied...Dipper ,Gideon told the truth and.... I am so very sorry-"

My fingers were growing tingly and warm.

"Sorry is all you have to say?"he asked softer,but his eyes held a fury of a thousand suns.

I felt clammy and sweaty.

Why are my fingers so warm?


Not warm,Scorching HOT!!!

Next thing I knew , green lightning flew from my left hand towards Dipper, and from my right hand towards Mabel,.

They both collapsed to the floor.

Eyes shut.

Ragged breathing.

OMC,are they okay?!

What just happened?!


Oh my cat...what have I done?! the heck did I do it?!

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now