8; I Love You Guys

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Your eyes fluttered open at the light coming from the window. Your body was pretty warm, warmer than you thought it could get just using your bedsheets. A weight on your hip and something stiff under your head startled you for a second. You opened your eyes some more and inhaled a shaky breath at the scene.

Oikawa was laying on his side, facing you. Your head was closer to his chest as he was higher up on the bed. His right arm was under your head and his left was holding Iwaizumi's. Iwaizumi had his head on your chest, arm on your waist, holding Oikawa's as well.

You felt so drained. Everything that happened last night took so much out of you. You reflected on everything. It was so much to you. Not only did you freak out just because of jealousy, but you also confessed your love for the two males in the spur of the moment. All of those thoughts running through your head had you panicking last night.

But it seemed as Iwaizumi threw an explanation at you, things came together. They had also confessed as well. The girl you had gotten jealous of was just someone helping them stir up some stuff. But after what happened the night before, I think everyone now understands why not to do that. It caused too much havoc.

Even while Oikawa had barely said anything that night, you felt as if he didn't need to. The man was never good with his words, even in high school. While he was a charming pretty boy who had fangirls, who always swooned at his words. Emotions and explaining things that needed to be fixed was not his thing. And since Oikawa came with the very obvious Iwaizumi, who was good at words and explaining things, it was a package deal.

Iwaizumi now shifted in his sleep, now off of your chest and hand released from his boyfriend's. Letting out a heavy sigh, you sat up, needing to go to the bathroom. Only to forget the whiny brown-haired boy behind you, had an arm on your waist already.

Hearing a groan from behind you let you know that yes, you had woken up Oikawa.

"Where are you going huh? Come here..." he dragged out, a pout on his face and his morning voice becoming whiny. You looked at him and he had his arms stretched out, making grabby hands at you. You swatted them away and hopped over him and off the bed onto the floor. He whined some more, eventually being shut up by his boyfriend.

"I'm not running away, just going to the bathroom." You smiled at him, but your voice caught you off guard. It was more dry and weak than usual. Makes sense after the crying that happened. The two who were now awake also looked at you a little bit shocked. You cleared your throat and smiled, waving off their looks of concern.

After you did your business in the bathroom, you came out to see Iwaizumi sitting on the side of the bed, phone in hand. Oikawa had stood up and started cleaning up some of the mess. "You okay?" Iwa looked up at you, concerned. "You sounded like shit."

You scoffed and waved your hand at him, "shut up, I'm just tired..." you gave him a lazy smile. Both him and Oikawa looked at you, still concerned. You smiled and yawned, helping pick up some trash that was at your feet.

"Um... so..." Oikawa started, having the very obvious question on his mind that everyone in the room had. He cleared his throat and stood up straight, having all of you and Iwaizumi's attention now.

"What does this make us? You know, since we all kind of confessed our love last night..." he looked around the room, afraid to make eye contact. His hand was going through his hair, a nervous habit of his. You looked around at the other two, who were both looking at you, wanting to know what you had to say about it.

You let out a nervous laugh, "wouldn't this make us a thing? I mean... I wouldn't mind. I did just say last night that I love you both... a lot." You smiled and looked down at the floor. You fiddled with your hands, staring at them instead.

"I don't think we would mind either, I mean we did just all confess. It would be worth nothing if we didn't act on it." Oikawa smiled, looking at his boyfriend for confirmation. Iwaizumi also had a small smile on his face. Excited that now it was official.

You had your two favorite boys at your side. The way you wanted it. You loved them and they obviously loved you. You could now do all of the lovey shit that you've fantasized about.
Oikawa lunged at you, roughly pulling you into a tight hug. You returned it obviously. Holding him tight, never wanting to let go.

"Alright you two, let me in." Iwaizumi's deep voice pulled you and Oikawa apart enough to drag him into the hug. You looked up and gave them both a kiss on the cheek.

Oikawa gasped dramatically, pulling away and shaking his head. "No! No! No! Come here!" He grabbed your face and brought your lips to his. The kiss was rushed. It seemed he was just excited to finally be able to do this. His mouth left yours, his brown eyes looked at yours, a sparkle in them at the sight of you.

"That's not fair." You were then tugged over to the other male. Iwaizumi was squinting at his boyfriend, jealous that he got to kiss you first. He pulled you in, holding the back of your head. Finally, your lips connected with his.

Iwaizumi's kiss was different from Oikawa's. It was less forceful. Instead, it was softer. His lips were just a bit drier than the taller's. But it made sense as Oikawa used chapstick religiously.

Iwaizumi pulled away from you, a little breathless and a small grin on his face. You let out a small scream and a few giggles as now Oikawa had dragged Iwaizumi into their kiss.
You all formed a small group hug again.

Quietly, just enjoying the presence of each other now that you could all be together.


"Tell me everything! Now!" Akane screamed into your ear, through the phone. Iwaizumi, whose head was on your lap, chuckled. He heard the loud voice of your friend.

You were trying to call Kiyoko to tell her the news, but Akane managed to pick up and answer instead. You laughed at her exciting nature. "Just tell Kiyoko everything is okay for me? I'll tell you all tomorrow after work." You explained, and she agreed. You hung up the phone and leaned back and got comfortable against Tooru's chest. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you even closer. You felt him place a kiss on your head.

You placed your hand on Iwaizumi's head and started to comb your fingers through his hair. You felt him physically relax at your touch. It was obvious all of you were content with yourselves.


"No fucking way!" Your pink-haired friend screamed from his spot at your opened door. Makki and Mattsun looked at you and your boyfriends with wide eyes before smiling and relaxing their shoulders, back to their normal layer back moods.

"It took you guys long enough. I was getting worried Makki was gonna do something to get you all together on his own." Mattsun smiled and walked further into the room. He ducked under your bed and grabbed something.

"Wait! Mattsun you dick no!" You tried to spring up, only to be held down by Iwaizumi. Matsukawa stood back up, three caprisuns in hand. His cocky smile only pissed you off more. Makki comes up and takes one from under your bed as well. You stopped struggling as Iwaizumi's head was now taking comfort on your chest.

"So Makki, Mattsun. When are the two of you going to get together?" Oikawa questioned, a cheeky smile on his face.


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