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At 6:00 Sketch wanted to get everyone up and ready to start a brand new day , she went room to room waking everyone up however when she tried to wake Colin up she failed ( mainly because he was shut down ) after many shouting fits and terrified screams later sketch called for help ( or what she called  backup) Spike and Stanly ( Stan .... He he ) offered to help the struggling notepad wake the new teacher. She finally gave up, her determination to get him up fading ( maybe she  thought he was dead idk ) but she decided to start the day as usual . It was 7:30 and everyone still hasn't had there breakfast ( usually they would have it by now but Spike and Stanly where helping Sketch wake  Colin up ) Tony didn't want to complain because he thought if he said to little to much Shrignold ( who knows EVERYONES crush ) would tell Larry who is the LOUDEST person there . He really can't keep a secret. One example of this is when Sketch had a -secret- drawing that she was working on until Larry saw her and immediately shouted ( in a drunken state ) " OooOooooOooooOooOOo wHaTs DIs, HaaPpY BIrtHdAy T-ToNy?!" That's just one example of why not to tell Larry stuff . There was a-another incident but that's a little private .  Finally at 9:00 Colin woke up ( with a loud windows update sound ) ....... Sketch was shook. " how are you still alive I tried shouting and stabbing you to get you up... I - I THOGHT YOU WHERE DEAD!!!!" Collin scratched his head " I had shut down jeez" Sketch took a long sigh of relief and passed out on the spot . Tiredness had won. In other news , Upstairs you could here loud banging. " oh no" shrignold shook "HeY WhYy DiD NO oNe TeLl mE AboUT Dis" Sketch got up in a lightning flash , her stress reappearing
" I'm THE mOsT TruStEd SeCRet KeePER iN THIs PlaCe , YoU DiD KNoW ThAT RIghT !!!!"
Sketch couldn't talk to the drunken lamp right now so Tony stepped in " Larry she didn't want to wake you for such a small secret, she would do it for a bigger one" . Colin looked in amazement. In his mind that was the best answer that a thing that wasn't a computer could come up with. He searched it up on his head and it was the 7th best , (wich is high for someone making it up on the spot . )

At that moment Collin realized that he has a crush on the navy clock.

( if anyone is confused the secret was that Colin could shut down )

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