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order of the phoenix

sidney perish was in her seventh year at hogwarts,
she was a slytherin. unlike most of the slytherins, she was more quiet and less rude to the other houses. she was on the quidditch team... the only girl on it actually.

her fathers money secured her a spot on it, but she did have talent, without the money she would've never been able to show it since the slytherins didn't want girls on the team, but after year three they'd finally warmed up to her being there and actually treated her with respect after that.

she did have an attitude, although she seemed quiet to the other houses, she was very well known in the slytherin house, most of the boys had crushes on her, a few of the girls did too. she'd dated a few of them, but nothing lasted to long because she wasn't looking for anything serious.

she'd never dated anyone longer than maybe a month or two, she had lots of commitment issues and would much rather be single.

adrian pucey found that out in year five, after asking her out and going on two dates, she was done. but he has already realized they were better as friends. best friends actually and they had been that way ever since.

theo nott hated sidney, he hated her so much, he couldn't stand to be in the same room as her for longer than a minute.

but the feeling was mutual, the two despised each other and no one knew why.

they're hatred went back all the way to year one, probably starting because she stole theo's seat on the train to hogwarts. but no one was really sure, adrian assumed that's what it was but sidney had never confirmed.

with the new year starting and delores umbridge forcing many, many new rules.... would it bring the two closer together or even further apart?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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