Chapter Three

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Shortly after stepping off the train, we started walking in the direction of the boats. Ron and Hermione walked in front, and I took this opportunity to ask if anything was bothering Harry.

"Hey Harry," I stepped to his side, walking along with him. The other two kept walking in front of us, so it was just him and I. "Was everything alright back on the train? I was worried I was making you uncomfortable."

He looked up from the dirt, he was looking down the entire time he walked... up until this point. He brushed the hair out of his face, looking over at me. We were around the same height, there at least wasn't too much a difference. So when he looked over at me, we were basically eye to eye.

"Yes, Y/N. I'm alright. I just had some stuff going on at home. That's all." 

"Oh, okay," I looked back down at the dirt. He had looked me in the eyes the entire time, and it was getting kind of awkward... 

We walked in silence for a bit, before I spoke up. "Hey, is it alright if I eat in the Great Hall with you guys? We are all Gryffindor, after all." 

His soft smile returned, and his blue eyes returned their gaze to mine. "Yes, I'd love that."

We chatted a bit more as we walked to the docks. It was nice being able to talk to Harry, he didn't seem like a talkative person when I first met him.  Maybe I was wrong.

As we arrived at the docks, the four of us all got into a boat. I sat next to Harry on one side, and Ron and Hermione sat on the other. We were face to face, so all we could really do was look out onto the water or talk. 

As the boat took off and made its way towards the castle, my excitement began to rise. I was so close to my fifth year at Hogwarts! I gave a relieved sigh, looking out onto the moonlit waters. I didn't even realize how late it had gotten since I had been at Diagon Alley. Hell, it felt like a whole new world at this point. Being alone and shopping at Ollivanders then having a whole conversation with these people I had never met before... It had been such a magical experience, fitting for the Wizarding World I had arrived in.

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