Chapter 5

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"This is a shortcut home." Fritz explained. He had offered to walk Nicole and Vincent home as opposed to them riding the bus.
"It's really dark down there." Vincent commented, his voice shaky. Nicole peered over his shoulder, also quizzical about the alleyway.
"There's nothing to be frightened of. I walk home this way every day." Fritz shrugged. "I'll go first. Just try to keep up."
His brother had sandy brown hair and a freckled face. His snake bite piercings glittered in the fading sunlight. His eyes were a soft brown and he was tall and muscular. Vincent often looked up to his older brother, although he'd never admit to it. At every noise, Vincent jumped, even though it often ended up being a stray cat rummaging for food. The alley seemed to stretch out forever and he panicked. What if they never made it out?
"Well, well, well."
Vincent jumped and whirled around to face three men who were advancing on them. How long had they been following them? One was cometary bf with brown eyes so dark they looked black. The other two men looked slightly younger, but they both had scars masking their faces.
All three of them froze in fear while the men looked them over hungrily.
"Vincent. Nicole. Run." Fritz rushed forward to stand in front of them protectively.
"No way!" Vincent squeaked. He wanted to stand and fight them off with his big brother.
"No, Vincent go!" Fritz snarled, pushing him back.
"This outta be fun." The leader's upper lip curled as he grinned.
One of the younger men made a grab for Fritz but he skillfully dodged his outstretched arms. The man landed in a pile of trash inches from Nicole. She yelled in shock before Vincent grabbed her hand and pulled her away. They raced down the alleyway, fleeing from where his brother was fighting.
"Get him you idiots!" The oldest man growled on frustration.
Vincent gazed in wonder as his brother threw punches that collided with the men's faces and as he dodged their blows with the ability of a panther. He had never seen how skillful his brother was.
"Enough of this!" The man snarled, venom dripping from every word. He reached into his coat pocket and produced a gun. Although they were far away, Vincent only just managed to see it. He gasped and his heart filled with fear for his brother.
"FRITZ NO!" He shouted, making an attempt to run towards his brother.
The man pulled the trigger just as Fritz turned to see why Vincent was screaming.
It all seemed to happen in slow motion. Blood seeped through his brother's white shirt and he clutched his chest, right over his heart. Vincent slapped a hand over his mouth as he watched his brother fall in a heap and lay still. Content, the man looked up at the two kids at the end of the alleyway and nodded to his friends when someone stepped out of the shadows behind them.
"Hey! Police! Who's down there!?" The man who appeared boomed.
Immediately, the older man swore and gave Fritz's body one last look of contempt before ushering his companions down another turn in the alleyway.
"FRITZ!" Vincent burst forward and sprinted to his brother who still lay still on the cold pavement. "FRITZ!" He fell to his knees beside his brother's body and rolled him into his back. Chest heaving with the effort, his brother was cold, and blood still gushed from the wound.
"Vincent.." Nicole choked, catching up to him, but staying behind him a little bit.
The police officer was rushing towards them, speaking into the device on his shoulder, presumably calling for an ambulance.
"Wake up. Fritz, please!" Vincent sobbed. His brother still didn't stir. Vincent shook him gently, pleading God to let his brother live.
"Vincent... He's.. He's dead.." Nicole bowed her head in silence.
"Don't say that!" Vincent growled. "Fritz, you can do this. I promise you can tease me all you want. I'll clean your room for the next year. Just please come back." He shuddered, his voice shaky with sobs.
"Don't leave.." He hung his head in grief, still cradling his brother's dead body in his arms.

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