A Dangerous Contract

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Kao: are you going to run away from me again Earth Katsammonat ?!


As soon as Earth heard Kao's provocation, stopped with his back to everyone in the room, Earth bit his lower lip, he didn't want to, he didn't want fall for Kao's provocation, but his personality, his way of being, pride didn't allow him to ignore Kao, he turned and looked at Kao, Kao smiled at the corners of his lips he knew exactly what Earth is like, Earth angry but maintaining the posture of an architect since he is in an important meeting, he said, looking Kao in the eye.

Earth: who here is running away ?! I have no reason to run away ... Earth crossed his arms ....I am not a man who shirks responsibility...

Kao's father was a little confused by what just happened, but with a smile he said.

Kao's father: so! Shall we start with our meeting?! ... I want to see your project, young man ...I hope it's to my liking!

Earth with a friendly smile, he said when he stopped crossing his arms and looking at Kao, looked at Kao's father.

Earth: yes sir ... let's start with the meeting please ...

Earth passed Kao and sat on the meeting room chair, Kao just stood watching Earth pass by him and sit in the chair, everyone sat down, and the meeting started.

An hour passed by the meeting, Kao kept looking in Earth's eyes during the presentation of Earth, Earth couldn't stand being in the meeting, he wanted to disappear, run away, he tried to ignore the eyes of Kao who looked at him with desire while he presented the project, but it was impossible not to look, he unintentionally looked in front of him and saw Kao's eyes looking eager to ask questions and enjoying seeing him standing there before his eyes, Earth immediately looked at the other side, he was scared, he knew that Kao would go back to talking about Maya and the two of them, Earth did not want to continue with the meeting, from the bottom of his heart he wished that Kao's father would not accept his project, so that he would not have to work for two years at Kao's company. Suddenly Kao's father smiled happily and said.

Kao's father: I liked! ... Earth's eyes widened .... I really liked it! This project was very well done .... Kao's father looked at Earth .... You really are a good architect as N'Kimmom mentioned! ...

Earth couldn't believe his project was accepted, he was happy to know that the hard work he had was accepted, but at the same time he didn't know what to do, this is the company of the man he loved five years ago, if he agrees to sign this contract it will indicate that he will see Kao every day, that sooner or later Kao will find out about Maya. Earth with a slightly embarrassed smile said wanting to deny it.

Earth: I really appreciate the compliment, sir ... But I think ...

Kao prevented Earth from continuing, he knew that Earth is trying to deny working at the company, and wanting to run away from him again.

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now