Chapter Twenty-Two- Lucifer's Downfall

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Garath and Madelyn were training hard ever since Madelyn found out her husband is a Nephilim. She was determined to atone for the sin of killing her own father. Garath knew that Madelyn's father would be in Hell, and promised her that he would take care of him.

"You would strike my father down on our mission to destroy the Devil?" Madelyn asked in shock.

"Yes. He had no right to murder you, and I intend to make sure that he pays for it. Because I believe that death wasn't good enough for him. He's probably a demon by now since it takes three months in Hell for a damned soul to be twisted into a demon. Three days on Earth is equivalent to three months in Hell because time passes a lot faster down there." Garath answered.

Madelyn stared at him, speechless.

"Demons may be unable to age, but they can still be killed. And if that isn't enough, they possess a hive mentality. Once their boss is dead, it's game over for the entire demon race as a whole. Fortunately, my father was able to redeem himself so he'll be fine." Garath said.

"I guess even some demons can turn good." Madelyn replied.

"Yes. My dad is a prime example of that. Despite being a servant of Lucifer, he hated evil and was determined to join God. My mother helped him with that, and my dad was able to break free of the darkness that bound him to the Devil's will. But I have a sneaking suspicion that your father likes serving Lucifer, and he'll most likely try to kill you again." Garath said.

Madelyn hung her head sadly. Garath was right. Not only are they very likely to encounter her father, but he will most certainly want to kill her again. And if he does, Madelyn will never be coming back again while her father takes great pleasure in tormenting her for eternity. Seeing the sadness in her eyes, Garath suddenly felt upset himself. Whenever he sees a lady in pain like this, it hurts his own feelings as well. He hugs Madelyn and warmly embraces her while she returns the hug.

"I know it's hard for you, but you have to accept the truth. I've seen murders at the hands of people much like your father, many times before. These were people who took a great deal of pleasure in murdering their own spouses and children, and they did not feel any form of regret." He said sympathetically.

Madelyn looked into her husband's eyes and saw that he was indeed telling the truth.

"You're right. I hoped that he would at least try to redeem himself, but my father's gone. But if he kills me, I'll be stuck in Hell forever, and I'll never see you again. I don't want to die again. I can't lose you." She said sadly.

"I know. I don't want to lose you either. That's why I promised you that I would deal with him. He may be a demon now, but he committed the worst crime in the world by killing you. It will not happen again." Garath replied.

Madelyn smiled.

"That's one of the reasons as to why I love you. Your protective attitude makes me feel safe." She said.

Unknown to the couple, Rebecca was watching. She heard about Madelyn's father being a demon and grew jealous. She refused to allow anyone to kill Madelyn except for herself.

"Garath and Madelyn have been training for hours, and they hardly broke a sweat. But it sounds like Madelyn's father might be a demon by now since he went to Hell when she killed him after being reincarnated in that car." She said into a headset.

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