Chapter 11- My (small) New Team

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   Karasuno was a very average school. Nothing about the academics was particularly rigorous or challenging. I took the entrance exams and was accepted, I  was even recommended into college prep classes. Their sports teams weren't the best either. They were good, but none of them ever made it past the qualifiers for Nationals, mostly because Shiratorizawa had trumped everyone when it came to sports.
   When I explored the town I'd be living in, I looked for flyers about the girl's volleyball team, but I couldn't find any anywhere, but I did find some of the boys' posters. They were beautiful; whoever made them was seriously skilled.
   I decided to go back to my new home and grab some volleyball clothes and go practice. I hoped that at least one of the teams would be practicing.
So that's where we are now, waving shyly at the Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club while they look at me in shock.
   "(Y/N)?" Hinata screamed. "What are you doing here? And in our school athletics uniform?"
   "Hey. Do you think you can point me to where the girls team is practicing?"
   Daichi approached me.
"What are you doing here (Y/N)?"
   I shrugged. "Long story short, my parents moved for work and it just so happened to be here, so I took Noya's advice and kept you guys in mind."
"Woah cool!" Nishinoya jumped up and practically did the splits in mid air. "Does that mean you go here now?"
   "Are you going to join the volleyball team?" Hinata asked, his smile brighter than ever.
I nodded. "I'm trying to, but I can't find them anywhere. Do you guys know where they're practicing?"
   Daichi threw the ball he was holding into a ball cart.
   "Well, the girls already packed up for the night, but you're more than welcome to practice with us." He gestured around the gym.
   "Yeah, come practice with us!
   "It'll be fun!"
   I smiled and set down my bag. "Okay, just let me get my shoes on!"

   We all practiced for another two hours, and I felt like I was back at the training camp, except I didn't feel like people were watching me this time. I wasn't scared that my team would walk in and judge me because they were miles away.
   I hadn't had time to practice in a while because of the move so I was a little rusty, but I was able to block most of Hinata and Kageyama's hits. Noya was on their side trying to retrieve them, but since they were quick attacks, he couldn't really get there in time to save it.
   "Dammit!" He slapped his hand on the floor and jumped up. "Again!"
   "OOH NOYA!" Tanaka shouted. "You're getting beat by a girl! How does that make you feel?"
Nishinoya gritted his teeth.
   "Pissed off." He looked at me.
   "Really pissed off. Do it again."
   When practice ended I exchanged numbers with everyone on the team except for Tsukkishima, who refused, but Hinata gave it to me anyway. I went home with a hopeful heart and plans for the next day to practice with the team.

   The next evening, Daichi introduced me to the girls team. They were a small club, only seven members, including their third years, who must have decided to stay for the playoffs. (We're just gonna pretend here that they made it past the first round).
   "(Y/N), this is the captain, Michimiya," he said, and I bowed to her.
   "Hello, I'd like to try out for your team." I said in my clearest voice.
   She tilted her head. "You look familiar. Do I know you?"
   I looked up sheepishly, remembering how badly we beat them over the summer camp.
   "(Y/N) was at the summer camp playing for Fukurodani, remember? She was the one who was the really short wing spiker," Daichi spoke up when he saw that I was too embarrassed to say anything.
   "Oh!" She exclaimed. "You were really amazing! What are you doing here?"
   I cleared my throat, and looked behind Michimiya to the rest of the team. They were pretty tall, but I don't remember them having a lot of offensive power. I remember their defense couldn't hold up against our spikes.
   "My parents moved here for work, and I remembered you guys from the training camp and enrolled here."
   "Michimiya!" One of the tallest girls on the team with a dirty blonde ponytail called from behind her and the team huddled away from Daichi and I. He gave me a reassuring shoulder squeeze.
   "Don't worry, they'll take you. They were talking about how good Fukurodani was at the camp."
I nodded.
   The team turned back to us, and the tall one with the ponytail approached me.
   "Hi," she simply said. "My name is Aihara, I'm the vice captain and ace of the team." She then continued to introduce the rest of the team.
   Sudou was probably the second tallest on the team as a middle blocker with short black hair and bangs brushed to the right side of her face.
   Kikuchi was almost too similar looking to Sudou, except she was a bit shorter and her bangs were brushed to the left instead of to the right.
   Manami had short brown hair almost to her scalp, but she somehow pulled it off. Aihara introduced her as the setter for the team. At first I heard Nanami, which surprised me. But after seeing her, she wasn't Nanami at all, and she actually appeared really sweet.
   Watabe was the shortest member by far, and by default, the team's libero. Still taller than me though. I remembered her not doing so hot against Nanami's spikes. Again, she had short brown hair in a pixie cut, however it was a little long so her bangs were in danger of falling into her eyes if she wasn't careful.
   Sasaki was a little bit taller than average with light brown hair down below her shoulder blades, I could only assume she was the second middle blocker or a right side. She seemed pretty confident about herself, and had a pretty good resting bitch face. Not that she was automatically mean or anything, but she looked like she felt pretty good about herself. And her bangs (Brushed to the left) fell above her eyes, so she was constantly flicking her head to the left to move them.
   And of course the captain, Michimiya, who was a wing spiker. She seemed sort of like a female version of Daichi, but way less confident. She had short, dark brown, almost black hair.
   "Wait, so you're not going to make me tryout or anything?" I asked. Aihara shook her head.
   "I mean of course, we're still going to do an evaluation of your skills and all the stuff like that. But you'll be in either way. As you can see, we're kinda hurting for players."
   She gestured to the 6 other girls.
   "Yeah," I grimaced. "There's only so much you can do with seven players. But hey I know you guys are good enough to go the next round in the interhigh tournament."
   "Yeah, but we barely made it," Aihara said. "But with someone like you on the roster, we could definitely go way farther."
   I felt my eyes widen and my face redden. I didn't know what to say. I glanced at Daichi, and he smiled and nodded.
   "Well, when can we get started?" I asked, suddenly feeling more confident.
   "Actually," Daichi answered. "Michimiya and I had an idea on how we can evaluate your skills. You wanna play a practice game against the boys team?"

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