First Date

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Jensen called Jared to ask him he could watch the kids while we go out. So before our date we dropped the kids off at Jared's. When we got out of the car to grab the kids stuff because they were spending the night there due to the fact that we were probably going to get in late and we didn't want to wake them up. Jared's sons Tom and Shep come running up to me and grab my legs hugging me. I had met Jared and Gen about two years ago when JJ and the twins wanted to play with Shep, Tom, and Odette.  Gen and I instantly became friends and Jared was like another older brother that I didn't want.  Gen unfortunately wasn't at the house when we dropped the kids of due to her being on her way home from filming.

"Hey guys!!!"

"Hi auntie Lizzy!"

"Are y'all being my mischievous little ones?"

"Of course we are!" Tom said.

"Good! Thanks for taking them Jared." I said as I hugged him.

"Of course! You guys have a great time!"

"Bye! Behave kiddos!"

After we said our goodbyes we got into the car and went to dinner and watched a movie. We finally got home and Jensen said he was going to go up and take a shower so I stayed downstairs and watched supernatural.

"Oh god! I can't believe I just went on a date with the amazing man who plays you Dean! He's amazing. Sweet, respectful, and hot. Thank you Dean Winchester for showing me your actor's face." I said to the tv in awe not realizing Jensen had gotten done with his shower.

"It should be me you're thanking. I'm the one who made him come to life."

"Oh shit! You heard that?!"

"Yeah. You're pretty great yourself."

"That's so sweet. You're right though I should be thanking you." I said mischievously.

"Oh man what did I get myself into."

"A lot, Mr. Ackles."

"Good thing I'm okay with that." He said laughing. "If you couldn't tell I'm crazy too."

"Yeah I can." I said laughing.

"Tell me about you. I mean I know you, but I want to know you more."

"Well, I went to college only to find that I didn't like it and decided to try an acting career, but failed. No one wanted to hire me. When I was 18 I decided to dye my naturally brown hair red and it went terribly wrong. I hated my chocolate brown eyes and wanted your green eyes. I always thought I was too light to be Mexican and so my family made fun of me. I hated myself for a long time. I couldn't stand my curves and I couldn't feel like I could make anyone happy. I was always anxious. Then one day I realized the only person I need to make happy is me at that moment. I needed to learn how to be content with it being just me. That's what I did. It took me 10 years, but I did it." I said feeling proud.

"Wow. I'm sorry you went through that."

"I'm not. It made me who I am today. All the shit I went through, I wouldn't change it at all."

"That's great!"

Then Jensen's phone started ringing.

"Hello? What? Oh no! Yeah, I'm on my way!" He said panicking.

"Jensen? What's wrong?"

"The kids are sick... Jared needs me to go get them."

"I'll come with you."

And we raced over to Jared's.

The New Neighbor (a Jensen Ackles story) Where stories live. Discover now