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It hurt. It hurt so much. I didn't want to leave Luca, but I couldn't take the thoughts anymore.

So I tried my 'numbing spell'. And I wound up here, in a hospital room.

Now Luca has to cope and do our 'together routines' alone before bed until I get out of here.

I'm so sorry Luca. I promise you I'll fix everything if I get back.

When I get back.



It stung a little bit, knowing I couldn't help Edgar when he had been helping me heal since we got out of the manor. How was I to know that he was suffering so badly-? It wasn't until I found him bleeding out that I knew he wasn't doing well either.

Now I was standing in the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror. I had taken my leg bracings off, so now my legs were shaking as well.

I needed to get washed even if Edgar wasn't here to help. I wanted to prove I could get better by the time he got back, to help him more when he did return.

"Edgar.. I promise I'll help you get better when you come back.." and now was to take of my bandaging and other clothing without flinching or feeling awful about it.

I somehow managed to and got into the bath I had already readied beforehand. Just about a week or so and he could come back. Hopefully that was enough time for me to be ready for him again.

I sat there in the tub for about an hour or so, and I did wash my hair, seeing as how that's what Edgar always seemed so worried about when he helped me clean myself.

After my bath, I smelled like epsom and lavender, since that's the only bath salts we had. But I got dried and dressed as fast as I could, still being careful.

Next was getting into bed. The one Edgar and I shared before he- yknow- he did that.

I told myself a little story and pretended he was there while I fell asleep, readying myself for the nightmares.

A Man's Numbing SpellWhere stories live. Discover now