Vicariously So

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Two bodies that are fitted into life's final pattern and weren't supposed to be intwined and get lost into one another's paths causes a certain hindrance.

This certain hindrance comes in many forms and names. Like a matter opposing a particular person's concern or responsibility. Like a mistake. Like a negative. Like a bad judgement. Like an affair.

An affair where things are hidden from plain eye sight. Where everything at that moment isn't a matter opposing a particular person's concern or responsibility or isn't a mistake, isn't a negative, isn't a bad judgement, and isn't an affair.

It's a premise shrouded with stripped naked deception and lay discarded imagination where the two strangers in tangled arms bring vicarious pleasure in the luxury of secondary living called a fantasy awakening within a lulling dream.

With a mumbled atrocious malediction, he snapped open his shirt, shoes and pants. He yanked her slick lithe body to him, her breasts pushed up against his naked chest.

He groaned at their touch.

"I don't think I can wait any more." He slurred against her neck. Her hands trailed up, playing with the nape of his neck. Water drizzled over them like a canopy.

Tiny goosebumps painted upon her skin when she smelled the scotch and burnt weed mixed with his own breath. She felt thirsty.

She should have stopped him. He wasn't making a clear head decision but an unquenched desire hung in the air. She was blindfolded to his ailments, and all she wanted was hot wax dripping whips and all that fairytale nonsense of sex and stones breaking bones right now!

Like a fearsome wind, Marcelo pushed her roughly against the bathroom tiles of the wall. She gasped like a twig ready to yield to him as his calloused palm cupped her breast.

"Why are you incredibly soft? You make me dizzy, Isabella." He whispered and his beard tickled against her cheek. His nostrils flared and his gaze narrows down at her body.

She shivered, loving the savageness that came with him. The blood pulses and thrums in delight. Her thighs parts open in invitation and his nostrils flares again. What was she doing? Is this what submitting means? All her resistance flew away at the voluptuous sight of such a beast.

"Isabella." He growls her name. It comes from somewhere so profound and down reaching she can't imagine where the root of the word started from.

Her toes curls and next thing she knew, she was pulling down his neck, snagging his bald head and meeting his lips. With teeth, she bites down his lower lip and he mashes his mouth against hers.

Her tongue sips over the seams of his hard mouth and his movements starts to grow bolder. His tongue clashes with her boldly. It was so deliciously sweet and enticing. The dreaded longing heightened between the two.

He hikes her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. She hisses when his hard cock rubs against her slick pussy. With one hand securing her hips, his other hand squeezes her breast hard and she flings her head back and moans out his name. "Marcelo, touch me more."

It's fierce and angry.

Her hips undulates for more and he pushes her body up the wall till her nipples come in line with his mouth. Her nipples had hardened so painfully that they jutted out like tiny swollen rubies. Her breasts swayed with harsh caresses of the water and his hands jostling around her skin.

Pinning her upright, he leans and set his mouth to suck her throbbing nipples. His tongue swirled around them. She looks down at him seeing his face alight with hunger making her melt.

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