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"Hey, Niall! I bet I can hit the top of that door before you." Harry tells me drinking from his slushee from the neighborhood store while smirking down at me.

"Of course you'd say that. You got tall over summer. It's not fair." I pout pushing my chips to the side before I stand up in front of him frowning.

"Yeah. I'm taller and stronger than you. My mom says I've gone through puberty and became a mannnn!" He says flicking my nose before I grab it quickly. I rub my nose and rub away the stinging pain.

He takes his arm and leans on my head making me growl at his smug expression. I smacked his arm off me and pushed him.

"I'm going to hit that door frame." I grunt pushing Harry back. He stumbles back as I go over to his bedroom door. I take a deep breath and try to muster up the courage I can from my puny thirteen year old body that was yet to go through a growth spurt. I stare up at it and back at Harry who had his arms crossed with a raised brow.

"Are you going to do it or are you too chicken?" Harry says sticking his tongue at me and I growl at him.

I take a few steps back before I take a deep breath. You got this Niall. Just a few steps. I take a head start and run towards the doorframe before I jump up and reach for it.

My fingertips miss it by a hair and fall down on the wooden floor on the attic where Harry's room was. I soon collapsed through the floor and I could hear Harry laughing at me. Soon his laughs got quieter as I looked around me and the surrounding wooden pieces splintered.

Harry set me up.

"My mother is going to kill you." Harry says and I look up as I swing my legs underneath staring up at Harry trying not to cry. He screams for his mom over and over again as I try desperately to push myself out of the hole.

I hated him.

I really hated Harry Styles.


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