Escaping Her

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Chapter 2 – Escaping Her

I have done enough waiting little girl, it is time for your decision she growls into my ear, from behind me. I havent moved an inch since you threatened to blacklist me.

Ah, hang on, let me get this straight, if I dont agree to sign my self over to you, you will ruin my professional life forever? But if I sign my life over to you, you can control me and therefore my freewill is gone forever?

Perfectly correct little girl. She smirks while digging her nail into my shoulders.

T-this isnt fair, please dont make me do this. I plead with her.

Nothing is up for discussion; it is an easy decision. You agree to be completely mine and marry me or you lose everything. She basically repeats what I just said, almost stuffing my lack of options in my face.

Before I can say or do anything else her office door is unlocked before being slammed open form the outside. I attempt to turn around and see who it is but Miss young blocks my view.

Mark, I told you last time, that my office isnt free for all. You are to make an appointment with Vanessa my assistant not waltz right in here.

I am your younger brother, not some business associate.

Yes, but work is work.

Anyway, who is this, you are hiding from me? he questions.

None of your business, now leave mark. I will talk to you later when I am not busy. She growls, but by the sounds of it, he ignores her and walks towards her.

Im not leaving sis, he remarks before sitting in the chair next to me. He looks like the male replica of miss young, it is uncanny. Now what is your name beautiful? he asks me, Miss young sighs and returns to her desk.

Now is my opportunity to escape but I have to act quickly, the door is still wide open A-ah, I need to go. I mumble before jumping up and running out of the office. Luck must be on my side because I am able to slide into the elevator just as the doors are closing. The whole time all I hear is Miss young call and threating after me.

The whole ride down the elevator, I try to come up with a plan for how I am going to get past security and then stay away from her. Something tells me that she isnt going to just blacklist me.

Once the elevator doors open, I am meet with two big buffy guys blocking my path. I quickly run at them before darting off to the side, just missing them. By the time they realise, I am not in their arms, I am half way to the exit. I just keep running and before I know it, I am at my car. I quickly jump in before taking off, back towards my home.

As soon as I arrive home, I sprint inside and double lock the doors before I start pacing back and forth in the lounge room. I cant get my heart to stop racing as I panic about what Im going to do.

Freya, what on earth is going on in here? Ally questions, causing my head to snap up into her direction. Ally stands with a worried expression in the entry way to our house.

Something bad and incredibly and unbelievable happened at my interview. If I wasnt there, I wouldnt even believe it, like it is something out of a book. I ramble.

Slow down, babe and tell me exactly what happened.

Um, can you please close the front door and lock it first. I requested while looking outside to see if anyone is out there.

um, yeah sure she faulters at my worry. Once she locks the door, she sits on the couch ready to hear what happened.

um, well, when I got there, they informed me that my interviewer had been changed from Mr Davis to Miss young, the fricken CEO. So, I headed up to the top floor, where her office. Once up there, she told me to sit down and when I tried to speak, she ordered me to be quiet. This went on for an hour, before I got pissed and attempted to leave but she locked me in and forced me to go back and sit down. Ah, once I sat down, she um handed me a contract that wasnt just about a job there. I slowly explain to her while pacing the room.

Wow Ally mutters, what did the contract have on it.

It ah, she wanted me to not only work for her but to also sign myself over to her and become her wife. It said that by signing it, I agreed to give myself over to Miss young. Meaning she would own me and control everything about me. She even wrote that my body would be owned by her and therefore she controlled it.

It ah, said, well she wanted me to become her wife. It stated that by signing it, I will agree to give Miss young ownership of my body. From the second, I sign the contract, she controls my every movement, all my life choices have to be approved by her prior to commencement. She actually put that in the contract, like hell. It was at that point that I stopped reading and I dont even want to know what was in the rest of the contract as there was another ten pages left. I growl out the last part. The whole time, I kept my eyes down cast away from Allys, as I am too scared to see her expression.

Are you pulling my leg? Ally questions.

No-no, I wish, I was. But I this all happened. I try convince her.

Well, how did you get out of there? You didnt sign the contract, right?

No-no, I didnt, I promise.

So, what happened then?

Um, well, I refused to sign the damn contract. Her response was to threaten to ruin my career by blacklisting me, practically only giving me two options. Sign the papers or ruin my life. Fortunately, her brother barged in and provided me the chance to run, so I did. I had to run from her security team and everything. I cant get my head around it though, why would she go to all this trouble for someone like myself. There isnt anything special about myself, I am an average women. And she had the contract ready! So, does that mean she knew who I was before I even came? But she is a billionaire, and Im working two jobs just to support myself. I ramble on, suddenly I cant breathe and I start to hyperventilate. I panic, making my breathing become more erratic.

Ally Jumps up and starts saying something but I cant hear through my panicked state. Before I have a chance to help myself calm down, I start to feel very dizzy and before I know it my world turns black.

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