01. "Got big hearts but they're just still kids -- Cali made flashy sins."

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01. "Got big hearts, but they're just still kids - Cali made flashy sins."


Song For The Chapter:

Hooligans by ISSUES

**just b/c I friggin love ISSUES, oh, and I recommend the acoustic version if you're not into the screaming :)**

"Got big hearts, but they're just still kids - Cali made flashy sins."


It was Monday morning, and both Austin and Jesse had pushed the laundromat incident aside. Austin had gone on his date, and had even gotten a second date with Sierra, while Jesse went to work, and even hung out with a guy she had an eye on, Andy. Everything was normal, until Monday morning, when Jesse decided to get a coffee before her lecture, and to take a different route to class.

Austin had found a fast way to get to class on time, and had been taking that route since the beginning of the semester, while Jesse had just now discovered it. Austin wasn't in a rush, so he took his time and walked at a decent pace while listening to his music, while Jesse did the same and didn't pay attention to where she was going. Her coffee was good, plus she'd even gotten a cake pop, and she was listening to A Skylit Drive - her day couldn't get better.

She bobbed her head to the song, and mouth the words to Dreaming In Blue when she felt her body impact someone else's, and her coffee, which was still a little hot, hit her shirt. She gasped, dropped her cup, and stepped away from the stranger. She would've apologized, but she didn't feel like the accident had been her fault.

Austin, on the other hand, also didn't feel like this had been her fault, and expected an apology from the stranger. She'd ruined his brand new t-shirt, and had ruined his mood.

"Watch where you're going, asshole." Jesse spat, and tried to wring out her white t-shirt; luckily she had a tank top underneath and nothing could be seen.

Both Austin and Jesse looked up at each other, and when they saw who they'd bumped into, they glared.

"You again?" Austin tried to wipe his shirt with some kleenex he had in his backpack, but it was no use, the shirt was stained.

"You bumped into me, so you have no right to be mad at me." Jesse rolled her eyes at his attempt to clean his shirt.

"Please, I think you owe me an apology. After all, your coffee ruined my shirt."

Jesse scoffed, and stepped around him. "I'm not apologizing, it was your fault. Watch where you're going next time." She flipped him off, yet again, and walked away.

She muttered profanities, while Austin stayed behind and tried to get himself together again before going to his lecture. He wiped the little bit of coffee that had gotten on his hands on his shirt, it was soiled anyways, and kept walking. He didn't try to cover up the coffee stain, and kept walking until he reached his class where he sat at the back, took out his notebook, and when the lecture started, he tried to keep up with the notes.

Jesse, on the other hand, zipped up the jacket she had on, and kept walking. She tried to ignore the incident, but it was kind of hard considering it stained her shirt, and it was wet. Regardless, she tried to look decent (Andy sat right next to her, she had to look nice), and tried to pay attention.

When the lecture was over, she collected her things, and unzipped her jacket to check the damage. Her shirt was dry now, and the stain was the only thing left, so she unzipped her jacket.

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