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There was once a little girl Tiffany and it was her birthday she was 10 now she always loved her grandmas gifts so her grandma got her a HUGE DOll it as 2 feet tall but some thing seemed wrong as she stares at the doll in eye but she egnored it And put it rigth next to her bed she then
wakes up bye a weird sound but when she turns in her bed her doll is GONE!!!!!! She goes into the hallway and sees her doll in the couch she runs to her parents room but to her suprise her parents where dead with blood and on the wall it said with blood one more to go your last so enjoy the show!!! When she ran out the room she was gone then her dog ginger bark
She ran to her room and there was ginger on the wall was writting on the wall 1,2,3 pecka boo ups You lose good night And stabs the girl to DIE

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