1. Lost

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Chris was just a normal boy in a normal family, he lives with his Parents and his little sister. Chris's dad Argus was a local baker while his mom Valentina is a housewives, and his dad was taking his day off since Chris's little sister Liliana is going to her uncle for the rest of the weekends. After he finished helping her little sister packed her stuff he took her to front door with his parents, gave her a hug and bid his little sister farewell.

The next day

Chris was having a lunch with his parents on the table with his dad on his side and her mother in front of him. Chris wanted to play with his friend because without his little sister he wouldn't be able to cure his boredness.

After finishing his lunch he looked to his mom across him. "Mom can I go play outside?"

His mom looked over to him and replied. "Are you playing alone? If yes then no. I won't allow you to go."

"What no I mean, I wanted to play with my friends."

"Your friends? Oh! It's Grisha's and Carla's kid right?"

"Yeah who else would it be." I frowned knowing that they we're my only friends.

You see Chris doesn't have many friends because not too long ago he lost his lower arm due to an accident and because of that they despised him calling him a lots of harsh word.

"Come on dear, let him play with them Lily is not here so he must be bored inside all day without his little sister. Right son?" His dad finally looked at his son who's begging to go outside.

Chris nodded rapidly and gave his mom puppy face pleading to her.

. . .

"Alright alright, you don't have to show me your puppy face you already looks cute without it. You can go but
be careful okay?" His mom replied to his pleading.

Chris's eye lit up and went to her mother for a hug. "Thank you so much mom, I love you!" After that he went to his father hugged him and goes outside towards one of his friends house.

He then finally arrived at his friends house and went to knock the door. Three times he knocked the door and came a familiar face opening the door for him.

"Is there anything that we can help y- oh it's you! Is there anything that I can help you Chris?" Said a woman openingthe door

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"Is there anything that we can help y- oh it's you! Is there anything that I can help you Chris?" Said a woman opening
the door.

"Oh Ms. Yeager, I was wondering if Eren and Mikasa is home?" Chris replied.

"Oh they both just left looking for Armin, they might be not too far from here" Ms. Yeager said with a smile on her face.

"Ah I see, thanks Ms. Yeager!" Chris thanked Ms. Yeager and left to search his friends.

"You're welcome." Ms. Yeager replied with a smile then close the door.

After running for godknows how long Chris finally found his friends. As he walked to his friend exhausted from running he saw something was off. Armin was on the ground with face full of bruise while Eren and Mikasa stood in front offering their hands.

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