You Join The Scouts 🥰

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You are going to the scouts with your best friend called moonlight and you bump into someone! "OWWW!" oh no I bumped into eren!! He's my crush! By the way I'm y/n🥺 "oh no y/n are you OK!!??!" moonlight helps me up and I blush at eren "g-g-g-gomen eren 🥺 I didn't mean it!" "ugh baka" eren walks away. "does he hate me?!!!? 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭" "no y/n!!! 😨" moonlight pats my back and we go to the scouts lunch Hall and you see eren and he blushes "hi eren 🥺 I'm sorry about earlier" I said to eren and he blushed and smiles "its OK I was being a bit mean gomen :>" mikasa looks at me angrily and I shudder and a shiver runs down my spine "well see you tomorrow eren" "yeah bye y/n" me and eren walk away from eachother

Mikasa pulls me into the bathroom "don't touch eren he's mine" "b-b-b-but i love him 🥺" she punched me and I start to bleed and all my bones are broken and i scream and eren runs into the bathroom! "eren!!" mikasa said and she looks at me "eren taskete! She's going to kill me 🥺" eren punched mikasa and mikasa flew across the bathroom and eren helped me up and we went outside and we went to the hospital and went back home "do you want cookies y/n?? I made them myself 🥰" eren said and my blue eyes turn into hearts "COOKIESSSSSZZS!! >:3" I grab a cookie and eat it "y/n you're so quirky and weird but that's why I love you 🥺" I blushed like a tomato "eren I love you too 🥺"

A/N hahaha y/n is so funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣XD anyways please listen to the video I put!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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