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TW DEPRESON AND EMOO 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️

Me and armin talk and then we see eren kissing miaksa?!??

"EREH!!!!!!?!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡" "Y/N??????????? 😧🤙💍" Then i slap him and run awway"wait y/n!! " armin called me and i didnt listen. my silky blonde hair flowing in the light breeze, as gentle tears shed from my saddened, glum, deppressed saffire blue eyes.

" he is the reason of this..."

"i feel..."


I go home, my eyes slightly red and puffy from crying. "y/n are u ok" "yes😊" i lied. My face looked like this

"im fine mum 😣" "ok just tell me if anything is wrong" then i go up to my room and cry more and listen to my chemical romance

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"im fine mum 😣" "ok just tell me if anything is wrong" then i go up to my room and cry more and listen to my chemical romance. "no one understands" i cry more as i blast mcr.

"y/n stop playing emoO music you dumb hotdog vampire" my brother said and i get angry "you dont udnerstand8ll!!! The pain in my heart is real!!!" he rolls his eyes and leaves amd i blast angel of darkness while playing royale high.

"i hate my life i just want to be not alive" "then why don't you just die then" my brother askes and i wonder "omg ur a genius bro thanks" "anytime- wait no dont i was joking 😭😭😭😭😔😔😡😡" "no i have a better idea" "ok"

Ok im gonna act deprese and make eren notice me then he'll feel bad for making me emo and he'll apologise and i wont accept it 😛😛

So i walk to scouts and see eren and armin fighting about me?!? 😩😩 "Y/n?!!!!" they yell at the same time and run towards me and i keep a straight face "what." "omg y/n what happened to you??!"armin asks and i try not to smile so i just look away. " wh-" " shut up." i say to eren because im a baddie 🙄 🖐️ so thsen i walk away and put on my black lipstick 💄🖤🙊💔⛓️

Eren pov

Omg i feel so bad for making y/n depresed i need to apologise rn "hey y/n im so sorry about cheating on uo and making you depresHoin... Please plaese forgive me."


A/n wowwww that was so sad 😭😢😢🖤what will happen next...

His Baby Didnt Have A Choice....🥀 (Eren Jaeger x Reader 🥺) Where stories live. Discover now