O' Darkness

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O' Darkness how you comfort me so. Always wrapped around me, soothing to the touch.

O' Darkness how you heal me so. When tears roll you wipe them away.

O' Darkness how you help me so. Keeping all distractions away.

O' Darkness how you speak to me so. With nothing but silence.

O' Darkness you're nothing more then the opposite of light.

O' Darkness you tease people with insanity.

O' Darkness you've been my friend.

O' Darkness will you stay with me till the end?

Of course you will, just with a flick of a switch or a push of a button.

O' Darkness the way you look at me so. With nothing but a piercing fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2012 ⏰

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