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        On the Monday after the Holiday dance, I walked into Spanish with more butterflies than usual. And I knew exactly why. It was because the last time I saw you, you kissed me. And then let me kiss you. I was so afraid that you'd come in and say something about the kiss, or say that you didn't like me like that. I got to Spanish before you that day, and I couldn't keep myself still. I kept playing with my hair and bracelet in anxiety, waiting for you to walk in the door and sit down next to me.

        And then you walked in so flawlessly, and sat down beside me as usual. You flashed me a smile, and my heart started beating a hundred miles faster than it had previously been beating. And then you said, "Hey Ellana, I have a question to ask you." I just looked at you and said "You didn't call me Lana." That was your nickname for me, since your little sister was called El, and in yours words, "Ella is too mainstream." You chuckled a little, but you looked nervous like you did at the dance, "I said I had a question to ask you and you only caught the Ellana part?" I just giggled at you and shrugged.

          And then you took a deep breath and said, "Look Lana, I really like you," And in the true spirit of Spanish class, and you being you, you asked the question in Spanish. Or at least tried to. The only part of the question you were able to ask in Spanish was "Will you be my..." and then you trailed off, and I just looked at you confused, until you looked at the teacher and said, "Señora Scott, how do you say girlfriend in Spanish?" and as she answered you, the wheels turned in my head. And that's when I turned to you and said, "Eli, are you asking me to be your girlfriend? Because if so, the answer is sí." You grinned and said, "You even said yes in Spanish!" As we were laughing, Tori, a girl who sits near us and was a friend of mine, said "Aw, you two were so meant to be!"

        You just looked at me and then hugged me. And then Mrs. Scott chuckled at us and said, "You'd think you just got engaged or something."

        In the moment, I couldn't help wondering to myself if we might get engaged to each other someday.

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