Es mi casa, pero not my home

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Tomorrow was the start of my first year going to Hogwarts, but don't get me wrong I'm NOT a first year.
Im the farthest from it....
Okay well I'm exaggerating I'm only a 5th year but god I feel on top of the freaking world.
I've never been to Hogwarts or any magical
school, only a bunch of trashy public schools all over nyc.
But you obviously already know that so idk why I'm telling you.?! Why did I put an exclamation???
-notes, august 31st

September 1st
*beeepppp* *beeepppp* "oh my good shut the fuck up!!" My alarm was by far the most annoying thing in the world and only had 1 sound setting, which drove me absolutely freaking insane.

"Lo siento, mami" I wasn't actually I couldn't give to shits if she heard me curse considering she taught me how. And when I say taught I don't mean I heard her and picked it up, i mean she literally gave me "classes" on the "art of swearing".
Yeah...she's not really the most traditional parent.

I really needed to get up, but I was still really tired and it literally took everything in my not to lay there and fall back asleep.
I was starting a yet another school but at least this time it could potentially be good, the odds of that are low thought.

I sat on my bed for another 5 minutes writing in my notes and just thinking abt how the day would play out. I eventually got up and looked at the time "holy mother of shi-"
it was 9:15.
I had about 45 minutes to get dressed do my hair and I still haven't packed. Uh, well what's done is done.


I actually have no clue why this woman decided now was the time to yell at me, for something that was probably her boyfriends fault right now.

I come downstairs to see a pile of dishes stacked in the sink. Considering they weren't mine I really hope that's not why she's yelling.
"Why are there dishes in the sink?"
"Because your boyfriend can't clean up after himself"
"He didn't make them Lelu, I already asked"
"I didn't make them I wasn't even home last night"
"You know what I don't care, just have them done before we leave"

Great. Now i have one more thing to do before we leave and now i already wasted time talking to her.
"Sí, sí, got it mami. I'll get it done before 10" I said pretty much brushing her off and sprinting down the hall so I could start getting ready.

It took me less than 10 minutes to quickly take a shower and thrown on a sweater and some jeans.
But it was already 9:28 so the time wasn't really in my favor.

"No need to worry Lelu, you can do you hair in the car" I'm not sure why I said this out loud but I was talking to myself why I heard someone speaking.
"Don't get hair on my seats mi'jita"
Well that's Kenny he's my moms boyfriend. He takes any opportunity to spend her money and direct as many micro aggressions as possible at me. Just the way he dragged out the word mi'jita in the most condescending way made me want to slap him.

"Kenny, my mom might like you but I don't so fuck off." I said pushing by him and tripping him in the process.
I seriously didn't understand why my mom liked Kenny, he's a absolute dick not to mention that he's a racist ugly prick.

After leaving the bathroom I took a few minutes to complete my "packing", okay well it was mostly just shoving shit in my bag, but that's my version of packing.

I took my luggage downstairs along with a little cat crate and a small cat suitcase for Copper, who I realized I hadn't seen all morning. I'll just look for him after I do the dishes since I had less than 20 minutes to do them.

As I was doing the dishes I looked up to see my little brown cat rolling around in the puddles of water on the countertop(looking absolutely adorable).
"Keep your fucking cat off my counter!"
"You don't own shit in here Kevin"
"I'm glad you're going away so I can be done with the attitude you constantly have. And my name is Kenny you little shit"

"Kyles a little shit head, yes he is, yes he is" I said in a baby voice looking at Copper but making sure I was loud enough for Kenny could hear.
I picked Copper up out of the water filled sink after watching him swim around because he fell in.
"Come on Copper we gotta get outside before we get left"
"Meow" was the only thing that followed.

I re-checked all my stuff quickly to make sure I had everything and called to let mom know I was ready to go.
"Maaaaa im reeeaaddyyyy"
"Okay Lelu, espera"
"Uggghhh" i was trying really hard not to be late and it was already 10:02.
"Im gonna get in the car okay mami"
"Okay, I'll be out in a sec Mija"

I sprinted out to the car with Copper and my bags and quickly jumped in the front before Kenny could. I knew mom might make me move I could just offer to drive and since Kenny doesn't have a license and mami doesn't like to sit in the back, he'll still be left sitting in the backseat. Checkmate.

If there are any questions abt the story plz ask me.

Lmk who you want to end up with bc I still haven't decided

Where do you want this story to go bc idk

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