-My Addiction-

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Mindy laid out in the big field behind her house. The Tulsa sun wrapped Mindy in its warm gold rays. It was the summer of '63 and Mindy's mother moved them back to her childhood town. Mindy had a younger brother who just turned 13. Their father left them and died a year later of a drug over dose. Mindy closed her eyes. She smiled remembering her old friends. Never will she see them again.

"Mindy! Come inside!" Mindy sighed. She stood up.


"Coming!" She walked up to her back steps.


"I'm right here." Her mom smiled and moved the hair out of her face.

"I know this is hard for you, not having friends and all, but go out and make some friends."

"I still have unpacking to do." Mindy's mother sighed as she walked into her bedroom. Mindy walked over to her bed and sat on it gazing out the window. A group of teenagers caught her eye. They all walked down the street, one caught her eye, she didn't stop staring at him. He was tall, brown hair, perfect jaw line. Mindy could hear his laugh through the open window, it was deep and beautiful. Mindy must've looked like an idiot, sitting there drooling over some boy she doesn't even know.

"Mindy! You got one more box on the front lawn." Mindy ran to the front door and sprinted down the steps then stopped dead in her tracks.

"What am I doing?" She slowly walked to the box on the front lawn. The light disappeared, she looked up and saw the group of teens standing by her. Mindy stood up, the brown haired one whistled.

"What?" Mindy smirked.

"Never seen a girl before?" He smiled.

"No I have. I just haven't seen you."

"Well, that's nice. Excuse me, I have to finish unpacking." He smirked again.

"That box looks heavy. Need help?" His hands moved swiftly towards the box.

"No. I do not! It's just pictures. Now excuse me." Mindy walked towards her front door.

"Sassy. Just the way I like them."

"Thank god." Mindy thought to her self, she started to blush uncontrollably. Another voice spoke up. It sounded shy, and very quiet.

"Come on Dal. Leave her be." He stopped, laughed and walked away. Mindy carried the box to her room,she looked through the photos of her old friends, the only friends she knew. Mindy dropped the photo in the box and threw herself on the bed. She sighed, a heavy sigh.



"Come here!" Mindy sat up and walked to the kitchen.


"Well, how about later you take your brother to the drive in we passed."

"I'm good. I don't want to go out tonight."

"Come on. Your brother wants to see a movie."

"I don't you take him!"

"Mindy, I understand that this is hard for you, and you are 16, but that doesn't give you a reason to be a bitch." Her mother rubbed her temples.

"Oh? So I'm a bitch now? I'm a bitch for not taking my little twerp of a brother to the movies? Wow! Thanks mom. I'm going for a walk." Mindy stormed out of the house. She walked down the street and passed a big field. She stopped in her tracks and saw the group of boys that walked by her house today. She stared, one saw her and she walked off like nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2012 ⏰

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