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Shirshak's POV

After the practice we all were getting freshen up when a guy entered the dorm. I was standing closest to the door so he approached me.

"Where is Astha?" He asked.

Who the hell is he?

"She went to meet her sister I guess" I replied. Wait. Am I jealous?

"Can you give it to her?" He handed me a bag.

"Sure" I said.

"Hey who are you?" Prerna asked.

"Astha's friend" he replied. A friend or a boyfriend? I personally would have preferred brother though.

"Boy friend?" Prerna said. And almost all the other three girls gasped. I mean he is smart, handsome and um.. nice? Ok he is an ideal boyfriend.

"No" he said and left the hall.

I opened the bag and saw a wrapped gift inside. It's her birthday tomorrow.

So he brought her a birthday gift?

I carried the bag with me and tried to find her. She was not in the hall or anywhere inside the building. Where is she?

Finally I found her sitting in the court. She was rubbing her eyes with a handkerchief. My handkerchief.

Is she crying?

Should I try to console her?

But i guess girls don't like to be seen while crying.

As I was about to leave. She turned and saw me. Her eyes widened. She stood up and walk towards me.. except she wasn't walking towards me she ignored me and went straight inside.

I went inside too. The hall was empty now everyone has went to dhabha for dinner.

"Someone send it for you" most probably your boyfriend but I stopped myself from saying the later part out aloud.

She took it from my hand. Her head was still down.

"I will be skipping dinner, you should go" she said.

"Why?" I asked her without giving it even a second thought. Of course she doesn't want anyone to see her like crying.

"My mother send me some food" she said and then added "you can stay too if you want" shrugging.

"Ohk. I will wash my hands first" I said and went to the bathroom. I took a number of deep breaths to calm myself down.

I am getting excited.

When I went back she has already opened the boxes.

"Here have some" she said and offered me.

She was still not looking at me.

But all I was looking at was her. Her beautiful face. Her eyes were puffy and red. Her cheeks were red and so was her small perfect nose.

Her hair were messy m, she had tied them in a ponytail but because of how short they are most of them are just hanging out. And she looks beautiful.

Just perfect.

If this is how she is gonna look every time she cries then God I don't I can control myself.

"Thanks" I said.

We sat in silence. There was a lot of food.

She has a huge appetite and it was so tasty that I felt my own appetite expanding.

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