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I stood there waiting the anticipation the butterfly's all present at that very moment I saw elena walk down the isle carrying the bouquet of Lilly's and her hair down with a crown of diamonds tightly secured on her head her dress was white with a sweetheart neckline it was lace at the top and around her waist was a diamond incrusted belt the bottom half was white thin material and on her back was a long train. her makeup was light and beautiful both Neil and her "father" walked her down the isle. when she reached the alter she was smiling they both kissed her giving her away and inlaced her hands with mine . this was it the moment I've been waiting for my whole life the moment I marry Elena mc cloud and she becomes elena styles we had our best friends by our side my best man was of course Louis and Liam because they both insisted on being it and Alice was her maid of honor even Gemma stood next to her. Elena's face was so soft and sweet as we shared our first kiss as bride and groom in love we are. today we stand married with the most perfect son most perfect dog and both of her fathers even her mother and her worked it out our lives were simply perfect and I didn't want anything to change.

Elena's POV

Harry looks amazing standing there with the purple flower sticking out. I can't wait I just want to go over there now and kiss him and be married. I can't wait till he finds out about Henry's future sister marcy.

6 years later

"Marcy hurry we gotta go"

"But daddy I don't wanna go!"

"You have to go pumkin"

"No i don't!" Marcy gasp when niel walks through the door. "grandpa!"
"Hey sweetie what's the matter?"

"There making me go to Alice and sayns wedding!" I chuckle at the way she says his name. "honey if you go we can get Ice cream."


Elena walks in

"Harry where's Henry?"

"I'm right here mom" Henry says.

"Good your ready lets go everybody in the car that means you to Harry!"

"Oh ill be there if you catch me" I ran all the way to the car Marcy and Henry following they got In the back as I say in the front when elena got in the car everything was perfect one things for sure now that we are all together again. I'm never letting go.

~the official end of together again~

So I won't switch this story to completed right now because I want to give you a chance to ask me questions. But the deadline will be then end of the month so.. THANKS FOR READING LOVE YAH BYES.

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