Ch. 1

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I want to first explain how many of us ends up have mental health issues like depression.

We all experience different things that can cause many of us to have depression.

For me I didn't have depression till between 2017 abd 2018 when I was in 8th grade coming to 9th grade and the more I think about it now as I'm getting close to getting out of school (in 11th grade) I figured out that my past and events got to me later in life.

If the events in your life got to you, it will get to you easily if you never have been able to be taught how to handle those thoughts properly.

I can say I never learned to handle those thoughts.

What I'm saying is that events in your life's may have effect you, even if you don't have depression your may have become more anxious, or you're temper may have gone up.

No matter if you have some kind of negative feeling it may have been from and event or multiple.

I'm not saying I know these things but I'm going with based on my experiences that may help in some way and may help inform people about the experiences we all have gone through, my goal is to inform and to show that those of you who feel they are alone in this is not, we all may deal with different experiences but we all are human and many of us need that support group.

My advice is to talk to someone about your experiences in your past that has had a affect on you negatively, and if you don't what the cause then track your mind to solve what may be causing you these thoughts.

Again, I may not be a big help, I can't do much for you guys as I am still fighting these issues, but I hope this book can help in some way or bring awareness to people so that they understand the issues of mental health. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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