chapter 1:The beginning

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Y/n pov: I was in Seoul at 2 in the morning finishing a job, you see i'm an assassin but not just any assassin i'm the huntress the most feared assassin in the world i'm heartless and cold but i don't care i was made this way because i stayed with a man who i thought loved me turn out i was wrong, in the beginning it was all sweet he was kind  then that sweetness turns into him coming home drunk and so angry at me for god knows why, one day he came home so drunk he'd done something that caused me to leave him, his beatings caused me to miscarriage he beat my baby that's when i got the courage to leave him.

I will no longer suffer under his hand.

I was 18 when i left him i'm now 21 ever since i left him i've been training and couch surfing on my friends sofas i've been fighting underground to gain up money, for underground fighting my name is la seductora it means the seductress in spanish i've also been learning as much languages as possible i'll never let a man or anyone talk bad about me in any language when they don't know me. I've gained the money and status from stopping any form of feeling i've let my heart become frozen over and i'll never let it thaw for anyone again.

If it wasn't for the loss of my baby i don't want to think of what would have happened if i had stayed, if he would go so far as to... I will never let that man harm another person again that's why i'm going to see him tomorrow night, you see i've been following him i know his new routine he was pissed after i left throwing glasses screaming "FUCKKKKKK" almost everyday it almost seemed as if he missed me.

It's time for me to see him i dress up in my gear and hop in my car to see him my palms are sweating throat dry and ears ringing, i'm so scared to see what he has to say for himself but i know that i mustn't let him hurt or violate anyone again.

I'm outside our old house all of the memories that never left me are now right infront of my face i walk up to the door and ring the door bell he screams out " who the fuck are you and what do you want" i tell him to open the door after a moment of silent i hear his heavy footsteps running to the door after all of the locks i'm stood face to face with my monster, i start to cry but i remember to never show weakness and go back to my poker face i push past him asking why he abused me for all of those years he tells me that he done it because he didn't want me to leave apparently he loved me so much that and he was scared that i would recognise my beauty so he took his knife and marked me, i remember that day like it was yesterday he screamed no one will love you like i love you and he cut my twice once on my eye as i ducked to stop the blood he slashed the knife along my back i'm left with both scars to this day. I tell him that the excuse wasn't good enough i tell him i really loved him until he killed our baby with that i take the gun from the strap on my thigh and i tell him i'm never going to let him hurt another soul again and with that his blood was everywhere that day i felt free but little did i know i started talking me of the biggest wars the assassin world has ever seen with a 10 trillion dollar bounty on my head. I still decide to hide in plain sight still making money from underground fighting but also working at a local cafe where i've made the best friend ever she's now my sister, we have an apartment together above the cafe with the permission of the owner they are the only ones that know about my past and have both sworn me that they will keep my secret.

Today the owner of the cafe was killed knowing it was a message for me i shut the cafe and buy another apartment for me and jennie my best friend as soon as i saw the cafe owner in the floor packing everything up putting everything in the car we speed off that day we became an unstoppable pair las floras that day we became colder than ice harder than stone and hotter than hell that day we became unstoppable...

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