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The red alarm blared around the small white room,causing it to now have a reddish glow. " so this is the room Kylie talked about. " I murmured to myself. I knew the testing has just begun but I didn't want to go. What if I didn't pass, or what if I do.

I mentally was frozen as I, Caia metor took a step towards the metal door. The test was timed so I knew the faster I went the higher the scores would be, but only if I went fast and used logic for questions. I took a deep breath and adjusted my bag on my shoulder and turned the cold knob. As I walked out of the room I spotted my best friend, Kyle looking around.

I waved a little as he looked in my direction. With what dim lighting there was in the hallway I stood in now I could tell he had a smile on his face.

" Caia, you're finally here, I was getting worried." He said. I laughed, he always was one to worry. I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

" no need big brother.." There is a thing you need to know about Kyle and I, he is older then me, but I used to stick up for him when he got bullied, we stick together. Although we do fight like siblings, hence me calling him big brother.
" well we need to go. The test has begun and I'm excited. "
I just nod my head and open another metal door leading into a very bright room. I shield my eyes as we walk in and look down. On the floor is very fluorescent yellow painted arrows pointing to ahead of us. The only sound heard in the room was our running shoes on the tiled floor. I soon come to a table, on it is an envelope with my name on it unopened, I notice the other opened ones laying by mine, from people that already came through here. I opened my cautiously just in case. It read:

Dear Caia,
The next twenty-four hours of your life is this test. Remember to take you're time and think logically, ahead of this room is twenty four rooms almost similar to complete different to this one, you will face simulations that are like real fairy tail problems. Each decision you make will be watched and judged. Please Remember to be wise. Do not worry if you come face to face with another competitor. Each room will have a body guard just in case, good luck,

Dr. Harmony time.
P.S.: I know you will do just as good as Kylie.

I stood there shocked at the last sentence all I could think was how did she know. Where Kylie and her friends. I could feel my heart being squeezed. I felt like just staying there and crying, I finally noticed Kyle standing to the side of me with his note in his hand. He had the same expression on his face as I did.

" they mentioned Carson, how did they know." He asked now facing me. He looked as though he was going to cry. Carson was his little brother who got into the test before him because he skipped two grades. Carson made a wrong choice just like Kylie did. I shook my head.

" I don't know." I said. I took his hand. " come on let's go." Before I dragged him into the other room I took both of our letters and stuffed them into our test given bags.

I then lead us into the next room. A guard stood at the door. He was tall but not as tall as Kyle, maybe 5'11.

" names ."
Kyle emotionlessly said, " Kyle temple, and Caia metor. " The guard checked off our names on the clipboard he was holding. He then gave us two necklaces. One was the doctor who telephone box, the other was a storybook. I grabbed the doctor who one.

" Why do we have to wear these." I asked as I clipped mine around my neck. I them started helping Kyle do his.

" Identification necklaces. " He said lamely. I nodded, we then stepped out of the little room and walked into another.

" Wow."

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