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happy to see me

joker's pov
i jump out of my sleep from a strange dream that involved honey. i shake off the images i see floating in front of me. i reach to the left of me to grab the bottle of vodka noticing there's none left. i groan out in exhaustion, getting up and walking downstairs. i look to at the couch, i thought i just saw someone there? shaking off the strange feeling of... paranoia?, i continue to walk to the kitchen, finding an unopened bottle of hennessy, popping the top and gulp some down. i walk back towards the stairs seeing a silhouette of someone sitting on the love seat. i pull out my gun, walking toward the silhouette, pressing the gun to the back of their head. "oh mistah J i think ya shouldn't do that. do you really wanna hurt me mistah J?" there's only one person who says my name like that, but it can't be her, no? i slowly lower my gun away from her head, as she lets out a giggle. "that's what i thought clown or should i say jack" she snarls. i was taken back at her statement. she gets up, walking towards me giving me a deadly glare. "you sold me out to that stupid bat. why? so you could save your own ass huh?" she comes at me shouting and there's no emotion on her face nor eyes. i don't answer because i have no words. for the first time she leaves me with no words to say. "that's what i thought. you're just like all the others." she waves off, taking in a deep breath and walking away. she looks back at me hoping i would say something. she slams the door leaving me stuck. it's whatever right? i could just get a new partner in crime. i roll my eyes, grabbing the hennessy bottle and walking back upstairs. i kick the door open, slamming it close and walking over to my desk.

you lost a real one

i know

it's going to be hard getting her back

i know i know, maybe she'll give me a second chance

i shake my head, getting rid of the thoughts, voices and whatever else was in my head. i'll just figure this out tomorrow.
i roll over and close my eyes.

honey's pov
i bust through the door making jason and arabella turn towards me. "honey oh my god what the actual hell have you been?" "fucking belle reve" i roll my eyes, still pissed off at the fact joker turned me in. "and how did you get there?" "the stupid bat and joker" i huff out, arabella's mouth drop and jason tilts his head. "the joker and batman? are they working together or something? nooo never mind joker and batman would never work together they're enemies" she spoke softly looking between me and jason. i look over to see sage fidgeting with his fingers. "oh sorry. this is sage he broke he and his brothers broke me out, but he was also my only friend in louisiana." i smile as he wraps his hand around my waist. "this is arabella, my best friend and her boyfriend, jason." i smile, they wave and me and sage sit down across from them. "would you two like any food?" jason asked looking between me and sage. "bella here was just getting ready to order a pizza" he adds still looking between sage and i. sage nods as i get up to go get me a glass of wine because today was stressful. "sage, hun would you like anything to drink" i cooed. he gets up and comes towards the bar. "you can choose anything you'd like. there's no age nor drink limit here" i smirk at him turning my attention to arabella and jason. "okay jason i have a question? when are you and ara going to get married. i want to be in a wedding already." i whine, i hear sage chuckling making roll my eyes and playfully hit his arm. "when it gets cold." ara's eyes widen. "the cold isn't far away. it's like three months from now." her voice gets higher as a big smile is plastered on her face. "taking about not far away, my birthday is next week. what the hell are y'all gonna do?" i say in a matter of fact tone. they look around and my jaw drops. "really guys. im hurt." i fake pout. we continue talking until the door bell rings. " ill go get it." sage jumps up walking towards the door. he comes back with two boxes of pizza in his hand. we dig in, literally eating both boxes of pizza. i head upstairs, changing out of nothing and plopping onto my bed.

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