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^Why did you think we wanna use em?^ Ari asked You know- new person+slutty bar can=- I replied ^Yeah yeah-^ Ari said I hold them close "What-" Shiro said Stay innocent~ I replied ^That's not fun^ Ari said I hold them even closer ^W h a t^ Ari said You no touch them I replied ^Why^ Ari asked They're 18 and are my dawnfriend I replied ^What does them being 18 have to do with anything^ Ari asked They trust me- I replied ^Ok and?^ Ari asked I don't wanna ruin it- I replied ^You won't^ Ari said I can't because i uh don't like doing-? I replied ^Ok- why are you telling me this?^ Ari asked Cause you're a girl I replied ^Yeah and-?^ Ari said You won't try to- I replied ^How do you know?~ i'm kidding i'm kidding don't hit me^ Ari said I spray them with bad slut spray Go join Shadow in the bad slut jail I said,

^Hey i only do it cuz i have to^ Ari replied BAD SLUT JAIL NOW I said ^You've never actually seen my real personality dumb dumb^ Ari replied I kiss them they kiss back Cute~ I said "Mhm-" Shiro replied Why so cute~ I asked "I just um- am?" Shiro replied Yes you are~ I said they sigh What's wrong?~ I asked "Nothing-" Shiro replied You sure? I asked "Yes" Shiro replied looking around Let's go home~ "Ok-" Shiro replied as I teleport us home they sigh Lemme guess hangover? I asked "No- i', not drunk-" Shiro replied I pat their head they stick their tongue out at me Why?~ I asked "Why whatSom?" Shiro aske Why the tongue?~ I replied "Why not" Shiro said Point taken I replied "That's right take your point" Shiro said Oh i will~ I replied "That's right~" Shiro said.

Love me~ I replied "I do" Shiro said I kiss them "AhhhhhHHHHHHH" Shiro said Still not used to it?~ I asked "Yeah-" Shiro replied I kiss them again "AhhhHHHHHHHHHHH" Shiro said I poke them "Yes-?" Shiro asked Cute~ I replied they hiss at me What?~ I asked "Take a hiss" Shiro replied Why? I asked "Cuz i'm not embarrassed" Shiro replied No?~ I asked "Yes" Shiro replied Yes I said "No" Shiro replied No I said "You know what?!" Shiro asked What?~ I replied "You're swag-less" Shiro said Am not I replied "Prove it' Shiro said I flip my hair "That's not swag that's sass" Shiro said Yolo~ I replied "AhhhhHHHHHHH" Shiro said What?~ I asked "I'll accept it" Shiro replied Heehee~ I said they sigh What's wrong? I asked "Oh nothing" Shiro replied I love you~ I said "Mhm...." Shiro replied You miss home don't you? I asked "My home is literally whenever i can sleep what do you think" Shiro replied,

I kiss them "No" Shiro said No what? I asked "No kiss" Shiro replied I don't get a kiss?~ I asked "Nope" Shiro replied Why?~ I asked "Because no" Shiro replied Someone's grumpy~ I said "Yeah so what?!" Shiro replied Rude~ I said "What are you gonna do about it huh?!" Shiro asked I pick them up "What-" Shiro said Cute~ I replied "UNHAND ME" Shiro said Why? I asked "Because why are you holding me" Shiro replied Cause i love you~ I said "Tsk" Shiro replied Bleh~ I said "I'm bored" Shiro replied I kiss them "What" Shiro said You're so kissable I replied.

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