not an update (but don't freak out!)

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Unfortunately, this is not an update, only an author's note. I'd like to address and discuss some things.

First of all, I am going to continue updating this book. While it's taking me longer than I'm proud of to put out updates, I can explain! 

I first started this story nearly 4 years ago when I was in my PPZ phase. I really can't believe it's almost this book's 4 year anniversary, but I'll talk about that later. Obviously, I am no longer in the peak of my PPZ phase. But, that doesn't mean that I'm no longer interested. I love the book, the movie, and the original. I am also stubborn, and will finish this book. 

However, this leads me to my next point. Obviously, I'm not the greatest writer. I'm not Jane Austen, I will never be, and I don't really want to be. Although, re-reading her original work, and even PPZ, I realized how many important messages and characterizations I have failed to convey in my own interpretation of the story. Also, my writing has changed quite a bit in 4 years. However, I am going to finish the book before going and rewriting the entire thing to better suit my style. 

I had a very different approach to this story 4 years ago, taking the movie script and book and inserting the reader in Elizabeth's place and making Elizabeth a completely different character. Now, when taking pre-existing material, I like to change events and create a new character out of the reader. I have already altered the reader's personality but moving forward as I finish this story, I am going to try and make the reader more independent and their own character.

I have the next chapter planned out and have for a while. I think I will create a schedule for myself to be able to balance writing this, even if I only write 2 sentences a day, so I can balance school, too. Once I have adjusted and taken note of my own pace, I will let you guys know exactly when I will update. Hopefully, I won't put out a chapter a year, lol.

Thank you so much for your patience and the love you have given not only this story, but me as a writer. I can't describe how much the support means to me and has encouraged me. I'm honestly shocked people are still finding this and reading after so long. Thank you so much.

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