Chapter 2

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I knew I had to get out of there.

I couldn’t hide in my basement forever, I would either starve to death or the zombies would find me. So I decided to pack a bag and fill it with useful stuff. I looked around and found a drawer filled with snacks; chips, gummy bears, twizzlers, popcorn, gold fish crackers, cookies..

I shoved it all in my bag then looked in the second drawer. It was filled with instructions for the tv (which was set on top of the furniture) manuals, an extra remote control, some batteries... and a flash light. I shoved that in my bag as well.

Finally after grabbing a sleeping bag and other stuff like that, I found a safe. I knew in there was my dad’s SIG Pro semi-automatic pistol, and I would definitely need that. But what was the combination?

I had once seen my dad write down the computer’s password onto a piece of paper… which he then stored in the bottom drawer of his night table. He probably kept all his combinations and passwords there, but how would I get to it without being bitten by a corpse?

I looked to my right and saw a broom. Oh what the hell, it would have to do for now.

I took it and breathed in my courage as I walked up the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. When I reached the door, I slowly unlocked it and then even slower opened the door.

I walked out on the tip of my toes, and walked soundlessly to the other stairs, leading upstairs. I then started climbing up the stairs when suddenly, the staircase creaked.

I immediately froze, my heartbeat gone up to 300 km per hour, and heard groaning.


I ran as fast as I could up the stairs, and as I did so I heard the groaning getting louder and closer. I was now stomping up the stairs, hoping and praying I wouldn’t attract too many zombies.

I was holding the broom tightly to my chest as if my life depended on it when I finally got to the top of the stairs. Suddenly my mom was after me, crawling up the stairs and groaning loudly, her arms twisted in a non-human way.

I screamed and ran to the closest room possible, but the corpse grabbed my leg, making me fall to the floor. She bit on my shoe and I kicked her as hard as possible with my other foot, but she just bit into it harder.

I took the broom and smashed it into her head, blood splattering everywhere, including on my face as her head divided into a million pieces. I got up and smashed it again and again, my knees shaking from the blood and the terrible smell.

Finally when I was satisfied with the smashed mess on the floor, I walked over to my parent’s room. I was breathing heavily as I looked in the bedside table and found the paper.

I read through it but could only find computer passwords, phone passwords… I looked again in the drawer for another paper, but instead found his cell phone. Maybe he had the safe’s code in there.

I unlocked it with the code written on his piece of paper, and began looking through it when it buzzed.

One new message.

I opened it up and found it was from a woman named Penny; it read: “My house, 6 pm.” I gasped and looked through his other messages to find nude pictures of her and.. him.


I dropped the phone and almost threw up. Then I realized something… If she was texting him, it meant that she was still a human being, which meant that the apocalypse probably hadn’t hit wherever she lived yet.

I decided to call her to find out. She answered right away.

“What’s up big boy?” She said in a seductive voice.

“Listen up bitch” I wasn’t going to make any efforts to be nice with this whore, this was strictly just saving-the-world business, “my name’s Liz, I’m the daughter of the man you’re fucking. Unfortunately he turned into a zombie, along with my mom, and some girl from the street, and pretty much everyone in New York city. Obviously you’re not a zombie yet, unless they’ve suddenly become sluts who can text. I’m just giving you a heads up that if not yet, then very soon your city will be hit also by the zombie apocalypse. So hide in your basement or something. Just know that I couldn’t give less than a fuck whether you live or not, but I have to make sure you do live because this is a matter of fucking saving humanity. So where the hell do you live so I can come find you? ”

She paused before answering me like 5 years later. She was wasting my time, I mean, hello! Humans are turning into zombies by the second, people! Finally she answered.

“Okay so first of all, I had no idea your dad was fucking married, he never wore a ring or anything. Second, calm it down little bitch, I’ve got everything under control. I got guns and knives and shit, I can take care of myself. I mean honey, I deal with drunk criminals every day, so I can kill off some slow dumbass zombie like no problem. And I’m in Las Vegas bitch, I’d be glad to dance on you whenever you figure out how to drive a plane.” And then she hung up.

I called back right away.

“What!” She snapped.

“You’re a whore!” I yelled and hung up.

This time she called back.

“At least I know how to please men, babe. You’re just a sad little virgin, calling the stripper your dad used to cheat on your mom with because you’re too fucking lonely.”

I felt a tear escape. She was right. Was I that desperate? I cleared my throat and got myself together.

“Whatever… but wait, how do you know I’m a virgin?”

She chuckled.

“Please, I can hear it in your voice. Tell you what though, if you ever do figure out how to make it to Las Vegas, I’ll teach you a few things on how to be sexy so you can finally get laid.”

Bitch please, I knew how to be sexy, I certainly did not need some stripper’s help for that.

But I mean… I guess it couldn’t hurt.

“Deal” I said. “Well, good luck. Try not to die.”

“Thanks kid, you too.” She then hung up.

I sighed.

I guess I did really feel lonely. I decided to get out and find a car so I could get to Las Vegas. I just really hoped there was at least one person still alive in New York city other than me…

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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