with love comes infidelity, sadness and sorrow.
but that's something dixie wasn't told.
in where she wants to know if he's cheating.
in where a married couple fights the up's and downs of matrimony.
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when you get married no one tells you what actually happens.
Yeah they may tell you that there's ups and downs but they don't tell you how hard it hits.
Imagine going from a happy couple jumping the broom on your wedding day, cutting the cake and looking amazing. To a couple who barely utters a word to eachother unless they're arguing, a couple that doesn't even cuddle in bedroom just turns a cold shoulder to eachother, a very un happy couple who doesn't even be bothered to be seen out together.
Just reading that i bet you second guessed if marriage was really for you.
Marriage is a trap and only suckers fall for it.
But unfortunately, I was one of those suckers.
Extra notes
hi welcome to pray you catch me. Here's a little note this book will be mostly dixie's pov so there will rarely be a pov indicator but it may pop up every now and then.
This book is completely a work a fiction so with that being said it is not meant to hurt anyone and i apologize if it does. This book will include a roller coaster of emotions and tons of plot twists. I do want to let my readers know that grixie is endgame no matter how confusing or messy it gets grixie will always be endgame in this book.