Our encounter

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"Daddddddddd come on how is that fair"
"You can beg and plead all you want you are going join my company and become a successful businessman"
"I don't want to join your stupid company I don't want to work in some shitty office I am not you hence that ain't my lifestyle "
"Your lifestyle, I gave you the life you have who the fuck do you think pays all your bills, you live under my roof you do whatever the hell I tell you too, you be whatever the hell I want you understand"
"But I want to be a UFC fighter you don't own me I am my own man I make my own decisions and I will do wa............."
"Stop speaking nonsense what money can you make by being a fighter and in case you were wondering or you forgot your only 17" his step mother intervened
"Bitch did I ask you for your opinion, your presence here irrelevant please do us all a favor and die" trey responded enraged
"Watch your mouth Trey, dont speak to your mother like that" his father said it a stern tone
"That whore is not my mother am leaving" he stormed off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He walked for hours in the streets so he could clear his mind, he could no longer stand to live in a house where no one believed in him or his dream. Huh but it's not like he got anywhere else to go.
'Dammit' he thought to himself, 'where the hell am I', he continued as he stood in an empty play ground. He sighed and proceeds to the swing to rest before figuring out how he was to get home.
"Would you leave me alone am not in the mood to deal with you guys today" he hear someone shout and went to see what was happening. To his surprise he saw a small short red hair boy completely surrounded by over 20 guys. He stood there and watch while they attacked the poor guy and rushed in to help, this may be his only chance to prove that he was meant too be a fighter. He kneed on one of the members to the back of the neck and knocked him out then proceeded to fight, after he was about 6 guys in he felt a steel pipe connect with the back of his head while he was holding guy number 6 by his neck. He fell to the floor feeling his warm fresh blood stream from his head. He turned his head only to see he head of his attacker being kicked clean off by the red head kid, the kid then picked him up and threw him over his shoulder and walked off, the last thing he realized is that all men layer lifeless on the ground.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The room was burry but judging by the looks of it, he knew it was not his. He sat up to have a better look at his surroundings when he heard someone enter the room.
"Oh you finally awake" the red haired boy said,
"I......... I............ I'm alive.......how" trey ask sounding quite confuses
"Does it really matter how"
"Yeah it does to me"
"Well it doesn't to me, so you hungry was planning to go out to eat I will treat you as a thanks for the unnecessary help" he responded emotionlessly
"Unnecessary" trey questioned slightly offended
"Yeah unnecessary because you left garbage for me to have to clean up"
"Yeah the six guys you beat and left alive, why fight if not to kill"
"Wait you didn't actually kill them did you"
"Yes I did and by the way I can hear the fear in your voice, dude am not gonna kill you if I wanted to I would of left your body a waste with the rest of them"
"So why didn't you"
"Well you seemed out of place and your fighting style was way to professional for the streets so you coming to eat or what"
"Yeah am coming by the what's you name"
"As if am gonna tell you, just call me red or something for now" he replied fanning trey off
They went to this bar/restaurant to have dinner, upon entering a swam of girls swarmed Red. They climbed to him as if the we wolf and he was the last piece of meat, I felt several glares on me but could not understand why.
"Hey you" one of the girls shouted
"What" Tray responded
"What are u doing with Ra----------" she was silenced by Red's hand pulling her towards
"Bitch you call my name out loud in this guys presence again and you can never visit my house again so you can kiss your fantasy of sleeping with me away, do we have an understanding and this goes for all of you" Red told her while glaring at the other girls
He released her and Tray and Red went off to eat then walked home.
"Why so many girls though"trey finally asked
"They easy, stupid, clean, cook and buy me stuff when I want it, and they all want to sleep with me, so why not exploit it"
"That's disgusting and unfair to the girls, why sleep with all of them"
"Firstly it ain't my fault they didn't go after a good guy and secondly I haven't slept with any of them nor do I plan to"
"You don't plan to and you haven't, wait are you gay"
"No am straight, I don't know"
"How must you not know"
"Would you stop questioning me"
"OK just one more, what do you do when they are over here"
'Watch movie, play video game, eat whatever they make, listen to them, your normal stuff"
" So how do you------" Red covered his mouth
"Shut the fuck up or I can no longer guarantee your safety anymore OK"
Remembering what he did to the other guy he simply complied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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