Chapter 29

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That left Yuji dumbfounded as he walked away from Megumi and walked over to the medic as he said emotionless, "Was she given some type of treatment before you looked at her wounds?"

The nurse looked up and said surprised, "Yeah actually, all the lethal wounds seemed to have healed enough to where they wouldnt threaten her life. Though she still needs to heal those areas because the person who did so didn't seem to know much about healing her so those healed wounds could open up any moment."

 But before Yuji could say anything they continued to say, "But whoever did heal her, really saved her life. She wouldn't be alive right now if not for it. Do you know who?"

Yuji shakes his head as he walks back to Megumi as mumbles, "It's true." 

Megumi confusedly says, "What's true?" Yuji looks up at Megumi as he says, "She was given first aid before she was given over to them and Sukuna said he healed her. He saved her life Megumi, she would have died if not for that bastard." 

Megumi goes wide eyed as he looks back at the truck now leaving for the hospital as he says, "We need to tell Gojo about this then."

Yuji just nods as he follows Megumi to Ijichi's car. It had been a week since then and we had told Gojo what happened to the best of our abilities.

They were finally permitted to see her as well so Gojo, Megumi, Nobara, and I decided to go see her.

 We were all at the hospital in thirty minutes because it was close to the school, once we got inside the building Gojo talked to the office lady while she was admiring his looks before telling us what room was yours.

We started walking and it was silent before I thought, "This reminds me of my grandfather."

 I frowned at the thought as Gojo opened the door to your room, leading us in. At first it didn't look at her but hearing Nobara sigh out in relief, I looked up to see (Y/N) connected to a IV, with a breathing mask on, her wounds were healed a few days ago from Jujutsu socerers after she was stable.

Gojo learned against the wall as he motioned for us to talk to her though she may be unconscious, Nobara went first talking about how Maki went shopping with her and how she got all these cool clothes for summer, next Megumi went up to her and talked about how she was reckless and that he going to hit her once she's awake as Gojo laughs. 

Next to went as i talked about my day and how i was improving as the regret ate me up inside, it was as if talking to her made me hollow inside.

Megumi and Nobara didn't stay long though for their own reasons as the only people left in the room now were Gojo, (Y/N), and me.

"It's all my fault she's like this." I say as I look down, but before I could push myself lower into regret, Gojo states, "Stop saying that Yuji, you were not in control at the time." 

I reject that fact as i say angrily, "But i let him out in the first place! She wouldn't be here if i didn't let him out!"

I clench my fists until the knuckles turn white from how tight it was as Gojo walks over to he and puts a hand on my shoulder as he says with confidence, "You did it to save her, yes it wasn't a smart plan but you did it to save someone you cared for. She's still alive isn't she, I know no doubt that she wouldn't give up, not now."

I look over to (Y/N) as I look back to Gojo again as I say quietly, "Thanks. I needed that." 

But the moment didn't last long as a mouth formed on my cheek and said, "Maggots."

"It showed itself!" Gojo says as he points at the mouth as you groan saying, "I don't want to deal with you right now, go away." I slapped my cheek, leaving a red mark there but the mouth migrated over to my hand before saying demandingly, "Switch with me brat."

Gojo jumps surprised at this as I frown and say, "No, why would I want to switch with you, you almost killed her last time. For all I know you could be coming out to finish the job." 

Gojo lets this play out for a bit as Sukuna growls out, "Don't test me maggot, you're weak what could you do."

Before Yuji could bark back at Sukuna, Gojo steps in and says, "Let him out, I'm the strongest so no harm will come to (Y/N)."

Yuji whips his head over to Gojo as he says worried, "Are you sure it's a good idea, I mean it was only a week ago since the attack." Gojo smiles as he says, "It's fine, Sukuna's relatively weak right now anyways so he wouldn't be able to beat me." 

Yuji hesitantly nods as he closes his eyes allowing Sukuna to take over as the tattoos cover his body.

The slits under his eyes open as he opens all four eyes and looks around the room before looking at Gojo.

He scoffs as he then looks at you before his eyes slightly soften seeing your condition, Gojo sees this as he then thinks, "He just keeps surprising me, and proving me wrong." 

Sukuna sighs as he looks back at Gojo before grinning and says, "What, never seen a curse fall in love before?" Gojo laughs lightly as he shakes his head before saying with his hands in his pockets, "What's your plan with her? Seeming how you want her alive."

"I dont have one anymore, initially i was going to use her as an escape if the maggot ever died but every time i saw her i felt different so i assumed it was my bloodlust targeting her." 

Sukuna says truly as he looks at you from afar as Gojo glared Sukuna down.

Sukuna continues talking ignoring the glare from the shuaman, "But that plan failed because everytime i see her get hurt now I feel like my heart drops and I've been hollowed out. She also said some things to me that I now hold dear, making me want to protect her even more than you would think, I would kill for her."

 He now looks at Gojo as Gojo drops the glare as he says curiously, "What do you mean 'use her as an escape.'"

He sighs as he says, "Well if I were to tell you, i wouldn't be very smart would I.and i have no guarantee that if i told you the higher ups wouldn't find out and in the end kill her with the maggot. So along with me not telling you, if they do find out, I won't hesitate to slaughter every single soul present."

 Gojo laughs and says, "You've changed in a short amount of time just for her and one question. How would you be able to do that if we have a tight leash on you."

Sukuna grins as he says, "With her."

 He looks over to your body as Gojo sighs, not getting enough info out of him as he would have hoped as he says, "Well if you could have left Yuji's body by now, why haven't you."

Sukuna was getting tired of all the questions so he said annoyed, "Three reasons, i need her help, i wouldn't be able to get near here again, and i'm not leaving her alone will you all." 

Gojo laughs as he says, "You really love her that much that you won't even trust her best friend to protect her?"

Sukuna glares as he puts his hands in his pockets as he says, "I don't trust any shauman including you, even if she trusts you." Gojo laughs again as he says, "I didn't think you could be so funny!"

Sukuna tsk's as he walks over to the bedside and sits down next to you, he grabs your hand not bothering to see if Gojo was watching his every move.

He grabs your hand delicately as if you were going to break as he wrapped both of his hands around your hand that had the mark, he put it to his forehead as he looked down to the blankets keeping you covered. 

He sighs, making the room go silent as Gojo now listens to what Sukuna has to say, "I seem out of character right now but I hurt you and regret it with all my being. I didn't think that someone would like me back even after the way i acted towards you, i just seemed out of the question so i thought if i got rid of you the feeling would go away too."

 Gojo's eyes go wide as he thinks, "(Y/N) likes him back, now that's a twist. This isn't a relationship you see everytime no every lifetime, I've never heard of a curse and a shaman no less falling in love."

 Before anything else happened Gojo feels a massive wave of cursed energy leave Sukuna as he says lowly, "If you say a single word to anyone about this that I haven't already told, I'll kill everyone you know."

Gojo zips his mouth up and does a locking movement with his hand as he throws away the key and says, "My lips are sealed. Now when does Itadori come back?"

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