Date with a demon

899 29 26

~Y/n pov~

"Dipper! Mabel ! Come on wake up!"I yelled slapping them.

They did not move.

I tried everything: I shook them,I slapped them,I yelled at them and even dumped a bucket of ice-cold water on them.

They didn't budge.

They didn't stir.

Oh no.

What have I done?

Have I put them in a coma?

Questions were running through my mind.

Why aren't they waking up?

How did the green lightning thing happen?!

Why did this happen?

UGH,why this,why now?

Then a horrific thought struck me.

What if...they are dead?
I looked down at them and realised that now I couldn't see if they were breathing...

My heart was pounding ,my fingers were clenched into a fist,I felt as if all the blood had drained from myface.

I probably looked more pale than a ghost.

With trembling fingers,I bent down and grabbed Mabels wrist and put my fingers on the vein.

Thump. Thump.

I had to hold back a joyous laugh...

Yes she's alive!

Now onto Dipper.

My hands started trembling again.

My chest and head swarmed with anxiety.

I slowly bent down,grabbed Dippers wrist (whilst taking long deep breaths to calm myself down),and I finally put my fingers on the vein.


He was alive although his pulse was slower than Mabels.

That's strange...whatever at least they are both alive.

Relief flooded through me.

I'm pretty sure my face regained some of its color.

Okay,what to do...what to do...

I should bring them to the Mystery Shack, surely Stanford and Stanley can help me.

I grabbed them both and half-carried them and half-dragged them towards the direction of the Mystery Shack.

Geez,thier so heavy.

What did they eat this morning,a bag of rocks?

I heard a rustle behind the bush,I turned...

I felt on guard for any-and-everything,maybe I'm just being paranoid after that gnome situation in the woods.

I kept my eyes on the bush,wandering if maybe I could grab something off the ground and use it as a weapon of some sort in order to defend myself if needed.

I kept my eyes on the bush.

It could be a deer...but at this point in my life and with my 'amazing...incredible...astounding luck' I wouldn't be surprised if the deer was actually some weird blood-thirst beast who is able to spit fire and who's favourite dish is...a barbequed Y/n L/n.

The bush rustled again and I saw a white tuft of hair emerging through the top of the bush.

I dropped the twins and put my fists up ,ready to fight this vicious ,terrible ,blood-thirsty, murderous...wait Gideon?

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now