chapter two

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You took a deep breath in as you entered your class, eyes glancing around the giant room and taking everything in. It was only your second full day of university, and you were still adjusting to the university student life, as well as adjusting to living with your best friend, Megumi.

The previous night with him had been extremely awkward and uncomfortable, to say the least. After he had seen Yuji on your phone, he had lost his cool and stormed off to his room for the rest of the night—reminding you of a child. Honestly, you didn't quite know why he was acting this way, as you had other friends who were boys before in your life... this whole situation was so strange.

During the morning before class, you had tried to talk to him about this "fight" and wanted to discuss it maturely with him so things could go back to normal, but he had gotten up earlier than expected and left for the campus. You knew that your best friend was cold sometimes, and you had gotten quite used to it, but this was a whole other level.

You shook away the thoughts of Megumi as you made your way up the stairs to the same seat as yesterday, eyes widening as you saw Yuji already sitting in his previous spot as well. When he noticed you approaching, a wide, blinding smile appeared on his face, and he brought his hand up to wave. You did the same, and there was a warm feeling in your chest. As you sat down in your seat, you watched him shift in his own.

"Hey, how are you today?" The wide grin was still stretched upon his lips as he looked over at you.

You began to take out your computer and pens. "I'm... okay, how about you, Yuji?"

A sullen look appeared on his face for a second, it was so quick that you had almost missed it. "I'm okay, but my Grandpa's not doing too well. He's in the hospital at the moment, but I don't know how much longer he's gonna be around."

You could tell that even with the sorrowful words coming from his mouth, he was doing his best to appear cheerful and happy—it was admirable.

You set a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze—forgetting that you had only met him yesterday—earning Yuji's full attention. "I'm really sorry to hear that, and if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here." A soft and thankful look graced his features, and you felt him physically relax under your touch the slightest bit.

After realizing what you had just said and did, you quickly took your hand off his shoulder. "I-I mean I know we just met and all, sorry if that was too forward, I just thought-"

Yuji began to laugh—a joyous and harmonious laugh, his eyes got smaller and his shoulders shook. You gazed at him with a confused look, and he only tapped your shoulder lightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh but, you're just so cute I couldn't help it."

Heat rushed into your cheeks and you looked away from the boy.

He waved his hands in the air. "Sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you!"

You shook your head at him. "It's fine, it's fine... you just caught me off guard a little."

He sank back in his seat a little, crossing his arms over his chest. "Does no one ever tell you that you're cute?"

"Not really. Or... maybe? I don't know, I don't really care a whole lot." You shrugged.

"Well, maybe I should say it more often. It'll be good for your ego." He flashed you a grin.

"Yeah yeah... but Yuji, about before, I meant what I said." You looked over at him, and his grin slowly dissipated, and the look in his eye changed in a flash.

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