~ Information ~

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Credits to;
UnitedWarriors and -Burning_Lands-
For making this game possible and for the shops!

Basic Info

One chapter in the game is equal to one in game moon. Every three days is a season. Every four seasons is a year.

Roleplaying is optional. Don't just join someone else's roleplay chains. Ask first. Roleplaying may or may not effect everything.....

A task is something your cat can do that will use energy. There are multiple types of tasks which you can find in the list of commands near the bottom of the page.

Healthy cats will have three energy, apprentices will have two energy and kits will have one energy.

The border goes down by two everyday so you need two patrols to keep the border as is and every patrol after that adds one to the border strength.


Leaf-fall: -2

Leafbare: 0

Newleaf: 0

Greenleaf: +2

When two cats are in a hunting patrol they will get a partner bonus. The next two also get a partner bonus.

Skill Levels

Skill levels affect how much prey, sticks or herbs you can collect. It also affects your hits in battle and ability to heal. Your skill levels go from Level 0 to Level 5

Hunting, foraging, gathering, healing, and battling are separate skills and must be leveled up separately.

Health and Hunger

There are a few different types of injuries: slightly injured, injured, and severely injured. There are a few different types of illnesses:

cough, whitecough, greencough, hayfever, cold, and vilecough

But, don't fret medicine cats can use herbs to heal! When injured you will lose energy depending on how injured you are. You can get rabies when fighting other animals if you get injured you have a ¼ chance of getting the disease. If you do get rabies you can not be healed though and will most likely be exiled before you can harm anyone in the clan.

Hunger depends on how well your cat has eaten every day. Cats automatically eat at the end of the day in order; elders, kits, queens, warriors, apprentices, deputy, and leader. One day without food makes you hungry, two makes you starving and if you don't eat that day you will die.

You can use the command /don't eat which will make you eat last so that other cats can get a chance to eat.

If there aren't enough dens for a cat they will become sleep deprived and have a greater risk of becoming sick.

When a cat dies they must be buried or else they will begin to rot and make other cats sick as well as attract scavengers.

~ The Vineyard * A Warriors Based Command Game ~Where stories live. Discover now