Chapter 6 - Ava

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When we arrive home, I try escaping to my room quickly. No such luck because as soon as I get out of the car, dad tells me, "Go to my office. We need to talk." Damn it. I am never going to get to eat. Susan and Crystal rode separately from us and should be home by now so at least I don't have to deal with them.

I walk into his office and sit. I can be more informal here but quite frankly I don't care right now. I am hungry and tired. My dad walks in and sits behind his desk. Not for intimidation but because honestly, I would want to sit in a more comfortable chair too. "Tell me the truth Ava. What really happened today? Including Crystal's role in it." Dad's voice is weary. Like he is ready for the day to be over and let all the problems begin again tomorrow. Me too, Dad, me too.

Dad listens intently as I explain what happened today, all of it. I'm not worried about Susan or Crystal overhearing because dad had his office soundproofed a long time ago for business meetings. He also locked the door when he came in, so I wasn't worried about either of them walking in without permission either, especially "by accident." As I talk, dad's face becomes redder in anger, but also more tired looking, like he is frustrated with the situation.

When I finish, he admits, "Ava. I have always wanted the best for you. I have tried to take care of you the way your mom would have without showing bias between you and your sister. But, you look so much like her... " His voice trails off in remembrance.

"Dad?" I ask. He rarely talks about her, except for the one time he told me about their relationship when I came home crying about being bullied at school. I was only eight at the time.

He heaves out a sigh. "When I met Susan, I thought I was in love. I mated with her because of that and I thought we would be happy. Then, about two years later, I met Elise and found out what true love was really like, but my life was already decided for me. I was already mated and a few months after I met your mom, Susan became pregnant. Soon after, I found out that your mom was injured."

I let out a small gasp. I had never heard this part of the story, and he pauses. Dad's dark eyes hold a fire in them when he speaks of mom being hurt.

"I kept this from you until the time was right. Well, you are almost eighteen, will soon graduate, and can now seek sanctuary from and transfer to another Pride. I think it's your best option because you need away from here, from the drama of staying with me." His voice lacks any emotion. Like he couldn't care less if I left or not if he's drama free.

Ignoring the hurt, I ask, "How was mom hurt? Why didn't she ever transfer Prides after becoming pregnant?"

"Your mom never told me how she was hurt or what happened no matter how much I begged her to before she died. I begged for over two years. She would just tell me to leave it alone and to drop it. I suspect it's one of the reasons she transferred to the Everly Pride and the reason she refused to leave despite how much hassle she would get if she stayed after she became pregnant." Dad still sounds confused about the circumstances but seems resigned to never knowing. I guess it doesn't matter anymore. People have bullied me, sometimes physically, but not to the point where I might die. Crystal is stupid, but she doesn't have a death wish.

Dad's face becomes pensive like he's considering what he's about to say next. I'm not sure what could be worse than hearing your mom was threatened by something unknown and injured.

After several minutes of silence, he spits out whatever made his face get a sour look. "I also want you away from Ryker. I should have kept you away from him when you were younger but by being his friend, and Zeke's, you were somewhat protected until he ruined that three years ago." Dad looks defeated with that last bit. Like it's been hard being my father and taking care of me. It feels like rejection. But I should be used to it. Dad loves me, he used to show it much better when I was younger, but my presence has made things more difficult for him at home and in the pride, especially since I'd gotten older.

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