Untitled Part 1

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" What happened to you, " he asked.

The instant flash back of the gun exploding in my hand danced before my eyes.

" You killed a man, Lacey! "
A pause.
"They are going to put you away for life! "

Shards of glass flew in every direction, making soft tinkling noises as they hit the ground.

" I can try to help you, Lacey."

Please, let me help you," concern edged his voice.

Blood pooled around the lifeless body.

" Don't say I didn't try. "

Blood reached my sneaker staining it a deep red.

"Lacey, for goodness sakes, answer me!" He was yelling now.

Cop cars blared in the distance. Every second that passed they got closer. I had no reason to run, I knew what I did.

" I'm so sorry, Lacey. "

Handcuffs pinched my skin as I silently slid into the backseat of the car.

My eyes flutter open, squinting from the golden light that travels in through the cell block's barred window.

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