Slight hope

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"Mama! Mama!" The pinknette sobs into the yokai blondes chest. Before the blonde could do anything, a petite women grab her away.

"Im sorry Nasha" She told her softly "Thats not mama now. She became dangerous for us" The little girl shook her head with tears "No thats mama! I know she's somewhere" The Yokai looked alarmed but she quickly puts on her neutral face.

"Auntie Levy.." Levy gave her a hug "Oh Nasha..oh Lucy" She said sorrowfully "I wish your back with us for our sakes especially your childs whos weeping for her mother"

Lucy eat something and then slurps loudly. Nasha and Levy cringed at what she had eaten. It was some kind of water eel.

"Gross!" Nasha sticks her tongue out in dismay. Lucy looked up and for a brief moment of hope spread across Nasha's heart.

Does she remember us now? Could it be?!

Lucy burps.

Any hope inside of her shattered. Blinking back tears she stare at Lucy who stare right back. She mentally shiver at seeing her in such a form.

Lucy was suddenly right in front of her. "Nasha!" Levy cries but Lucy pulled her into her chest, startling the girl. She titled her head looking scared.

"Im your mama.." Lucy whispers hoarsely voice crackling "Nasha.." She gasped as tears were dripping down her mothers face.

Did she do something to upset her mother? Levy was stunned. Does Lucy remember somewhat?! Which means there is slight chance of hope afterall.

Please Lucy! Please remember us! She beg mentally as she watch the scene with teary eyes.

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