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Roman's sobs escaped more freely as he heard the shower start, Patton's soft humming filling the air as if he'd done nothing wrong only moments earlier.

His eyes were squeezed shut when he heard footsteps approaching, the shower still running and the humming continuing in the background.

So, who could be approaching him?

He allowed himself to briefly open his eyes, wincing as even the dim lights in the room burned to look at, quickly reclosing them; before a low whistle had him briefly reopening his eyes, just enough to see Virgil and Logan staring down at his abused, bloody cunt, whimpering brokenly, and closing his eyes once more.

He heard rustling for several minutes, fidgeting nervously despite not being able to move much, every little sound causing panic to swell in his chest.

The bed squeaked, dipping as Virgil and Logan joined him on the bed, weakly opening his eyes once more, he felt panic surge throughout his entire body; Virgil was now completely naked, while Logan was still undressing, back turned to him momentarily.

Virgil was nowhere as big as Patton, but the length of his cock made up for the girth, and still scared Roman to have inside of his already ruined cunt.

When Logan finally turned around, he was completely naked as well, a leather tipped flogger in his right hand, that he striked against his left palm to see how Roman would react.

He violently flinched at the sound, a soft whimper escaping just before a soft hiss could be heard, his cheeks flushing a deep red as the sheets beneath him grew damp with piss.

Logan simply responded with a mildly amused smirk, stalking forward, and roughly changing Roman's position so his puffy cunt was further exposed, causing a painful ache in his legs due to how they were bent, while still being spread apart.

He flinched as Virgil climbed on top of him, slender fingers dipping down to play with his clit, harshly pinching and pulling on the tender bundle of nerves, causing his inner thighs to become slightly wet with his own juices.

Logan stepped back to admire the scene before him, loving the look of panic and pain in Roman's eyes as he looked up at him almost pleadingly,

"Virge, quite teasing if you want to get to the fun part."

Logan scolded softly, although his arms crossed impatiently, tapping his foot lightly against the wood floor.

Virgil pouted, and Roman might have thought it was cute if he wasn't being assaulted by the people he thought he could trust.

He tensed as Logan stepped closer to him, running the leather tip of the flogger over his clit in a taunting manner, and grinning when he shuddered.

The flogger was raised, before it was brought back down and smacked against his clit, causing him to howl in pain, writhering around helplessly just as another smack landed in the exact same place, causing his clit to throb horribly, the extremely tender nub quickly becoming an angry red.

Three more smacks rained down against the poor little nub of flesh without warning, causing Roman to continuously howl in agony, and he'd only gotten through five hits!

The next five were focused more on his throbbing folds, and he wailed brokenly with each hit as the delicate skin began quickly bruising and cracking.

The next ten were to his inner thighs without pause, turning the skin a warm cherry red, that had Roman whimpering loudly in pain but not screaming in agony.

But then fifteen continuous smacks hit his folds, followed by fifteen more to his clit without mercy or pause.

He let out the most horrible screams and wails at this, his clit and folds burning so badly he could hardly even close his legs without it making the pain a million times worse.

To make matters worse, he'd pissed himself again, and it felt like liquid fire as it dribbled out of his battered body.

Logan soaked in every scream of pain, his cock rock hard, twitching, and dripping precum from all the excitement.

He shifted Roman's position, his bare ass now presented to Logan, who ran the tip of the flogger over the other's plump, but curvy asscheeks, causing him to shiver and whimper pathetically.

Without warning, he roughly spread Roman's cheeks, holding them apart so he could see his quivering hole better, and landing the first smack directly across the puckered hole, watching as his rim turned an angry red, before continuing to beat the flogger unforgivingly against the same area until tiny spots of blood emerged.

Roman could hardly cry any more, everything hurt so badly he hadn't even noticed Virgil move to prod at his puckered hole, until the blinding pain hit him like a train.

Virgil had forced himself into Roman's virgin ass without any prep, already pounding away, his entire cock sheathed inside his tight, warm ass with one brutal thrust, causing him to flail around in pain, soundlessly screaming as he was once again violated in the most painful way.

Roman silently sobbed as Virgil began slamming into him, squeezing his eyes shut as his body was forcefully jerked back and forth with each agonizing thrust.

He knew something inside his ass had torn, the warm blood trickling down his thighs, every thrust burning even worse as whatever tore was rubbed against the other's relentless cock each time.

He almost blacked out though when he saw Patton walk towards them still naked, felt him spread his legs, and place his swollen tip at his torn up cunt once more, pushing in, and starting a brutal pace in rhythm with Virgil.

His eyes fully glossed over, tears pouring down his cheeks as his body was used, thinking it couldn't possibly get any worse then this.

But he was wrong and only seconds after this thought an added pressure against his cunt startled him.

He looked down and noticed Logan pushing in beside Patton, eyes bugging at how big he was.

He threw back his head in agony with each added inch, his hips burning from the intense stretch, silent screams leaving his lips as his body convulsed from the overwhelming pain, his mind going completely blank and just floaty, only ocassional tears trickling down his cheeks, staring at nothing as his glossy eyes looked to the ceiling as his body was continuously used for several hours before the three flooded his insides with their burning cum and he was untied, knowing he wouldn't run after what just happened.

Roman curled into himself unknowingly, mewls of agony quietly leaving his lips as the pain intensified between his legs, none of the positions he attempted to move into helping to relieve the pain in the slightest.

Logan, Virgil, and Patton watched as Roman squirmed, whimpering each time he tried to reposition himself,
their cum mixed with a good amount of his blood pooling from his used, gaping holes onto the sheets; such a pretty sight to see the other so wrecked and torn down for once, silent except for his barely audible whimpers of pain.

Patton smirked as he scooped up a small glob of cum that had just leaked out off Roman's body onto his finger, shoving it past his quivering lips, and causing him to gag as he was forced to swallow the slimy mixture.

"Now what?"

Virgil asked nonchalantly as if they'd done nothing wrong all this time,

"Should we have a movie night? I'll make popcorn!"

Patton giddily replied, glancing at the others and smiling as they followed him out.

Roman watched them leave with bleary eyes as he started to black out, unable to even cry as he lay broken and shattered on the bed, his heart crushed into teeny tiny pieces, the only thought in his head as he passed out, being the hope that he would never reawaken.

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