Zayn and Your Period

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Zayn was out with the lads at the recording studio when you feel a cramp. You go upstairs and try to take a nap hoping it will go away. You wake up to warm arm hugging you aroud your waist. You roll over to see Zayn laying next to you.

"Hey baby, you home already?" You ask him yawning. Before he answeres he hands you a bag and you open it. It had pads, tampons, and some chocolate.

"How did you know?" You ask Zayn with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, when i looked at the calendar this morning to see what time i needed to be at the studio...i saw you had it marked that you should start soon so i went to the store when i was done and got you that," Zayn says kissing you. You go to the bathroom and the kitchen to put things away and when you walk back upstairs to lay back down, Zayn was already there waiting for you on the bed. You crawl onto the bed and lay down on your side of the bed when Zayn wraps his arms around you and sings you story of my life untill you two fall into a deep sleep.

On Your Period With 1D(and their daughters)Where stories live. Discover now