Man in the woods

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Why did I decide to do this? This was clearly a bad idea now look what's happened.... He's coming I can see him.......

*earlier that evening*

I was taking Archie for his evening walk through the forest, his favourite place to go. He gets to play in all the autumn leaves that have fallen off the trees. The days are getting darker quicker now it's getting closer to winter. But watching Archie play takes my mind off of everything. But on this particular day something didn't feel right. It was as I could sense a presences. "Woof" Archies bark for attention broke my paranoia. I carry on walking through the forest. As I walk further in the trees became denser and the path seemed to be getting longer. With Archie by my side I knew I was safe. But little did I know how quick it was all going to change. I'm glad to be here to tell this story to you.

As we walk peacefully through the forest I could see the day fading into nightfall. This is where my nightmare begins. I start to see moving shadows behind trees. Archie barking as if it was nothing. The air growing colder and the sky turning darker. The echoes of my footsteps grow louder as the sounds of birds fade till all was quiet. My breath being the only thing I hear. *gasp* I feel something brush past my leg. I shiver in fear. It can't be... no I shouldn't even mention it just hearing the name gives me nightmares still to this day. But I guess I should give you a backstory. Legends say there is a man who haunts the deepest part of the woods. It is a part that no one has stepped in for years. It all started with a camping trip. One night the group were singing songs around the campfire. They heard a rustle of leaves behind them. Foots steps approached them. There standing high behind the camp leader was an axe murderer. The boy sat there and watched without fear for the man. He watched as he chopped each part of there bodies off. They say he even tried to join in using the knife used by the camp leader. He felt betrayed by his fellow campers and decided to get revenge. We're not sure what happened after it's been said that he disappeared and he was trained by the murderer to be just like him. I can safely say, that is true. I saw him and seeing as you're reading this I survived the event that you're about to read. Back to the story..

I shiver in fear. I look down to notice that Archie is not here. I call out for him "Archie! Archie come here boy!" I stand and think about my next move. At the time it seemed like the only option but now I know it wasn't the right one. Hesitantly I walk into the forbidden part of the forest. Being aware of were I am I lower my voice. "Archie come here boy. Archie where are you" I feel another brush past my leg again. I freeze. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't move. I heard the bushes move behind me. I could hear the footsteps getting closer. The rustling got louder. I tried to scream but I couldn't. At that moment out jumped... a bunny rabbit? A bunny made all of that noise? I shake my heard and focus back on the reason I'm out here. There was still no sign of Archie. I look further up ahead and see a black silhouette behind a tree. I look away and when I look back it's disappeared. I cautiously continue to search for Archie. I hear a whining noise from behind some bushes. I take a closer look. It's Archie. He's shaking in fear. I grab him and put him down on the pathway. I look up. I see a shadow that's being lit up by the moonlight. It's a person. It's holding a butcher's knife. Blood dripping off of it waiting for it's next victim. "I own these woods, you dare trespass and it will be the last thing you do" a voice boomed. I let out a squeal in fear. The figure cackles. I turn and run back as fast as I could with Archie at my heals. "You can run but you can hide!". I can hear him sharpening his knife as he follows us out. I'm not looking where I'm going and I stumbled to the floor. I hear his cackle again. It was louder this time. I see him. He stops and looks at me. He reaches for his knife. I can't get any words out to scream for help. I knew going here was a bad idea. He laughs. His footsteps grow louder. His evil laugh growing louder. My heart thumping louder. He's getting closer. He's almost on top of me.....

Now I know why no one goes into the deep part of the woods.

Man in the woodsWhere stories live. Discover now