Twilight wife swap.

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One normal day around Forks,Washington there was quite a normal day around the Cullens house.Then right in the kitchen Rosalie Hale and Bella Swan decided to do a wife swap.Emmett Cullen and Edward Cullen thought this wouldnt be fun so the two of them said not to do that but Rosalie and Bella had already decided to and set off to get ready to do that.When they came down Edward and Emmett tryed to get away but Rosalie and Bella already stopped the two of them and took the to guys with them and left.

The next day as Edward noticed that Rosalie was still there and as she left to hunt.Edward made a run for it he met up with Emmett and said "Why did they think of this".As the seperated to go back to their houses when Edward got back he was suprise kissed by Rosalie.When Emmet got back to his place he was suprise kissed by Bella.

A week went past and for Emmett and Edward it was horrible.Every time they would leave they had to kiss the girls goodbye and then they could leave and every time they got home they got kissed by the girls.Every night the washed their mouthes out."This is torture"said Edward one time when Rosalie was gone.

It was one month and Edward and Emmett has gone through 30 bottles of mouth wash already.They went every where together and even slept together.This was total torture to Edward and Emmett.They thought that they were goin mad.The only time they could get away from the girls was when the hunted.They lied about goin hunting many times and ran out the door as fast as they could.

After a year went by the swap was over and Rosalie and Edward parted and Bella and Emmett parted and went back to their normal pairs(Edward and Bella)(Rosalie and Emmett).All was quite right now that things were back to normal.And lived their normal lifes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2011 ⏰

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