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This is a ship that I'm kinda fine with but I think some things need to be said. They would be cute together but sadly that's the only thing I can say that'll be good. In truth they aren't very compatible, America finds her creepy and weird while Belarus finds him annoying

I do have something to admit though and it involves Russia. Russia can very well force Belarus to stay away from him forever but he knows she'll soon start stalking America like she does with him, she'll be just as big as a yandere as ever. He would love for Belarus to tournament America but he'd rather be followed by Belarus than give America the satisfaction of knowing one of Russia's sisters has a 'crush' on him. I don't think it's a real crush by its close enough

I got this from a YouTuber called Unhappy Chibi and they're right most of the time but there's a chance they aren't. I also know the thing about Russia not giving America the satisfaction of letting Belarus get close to him is kinda wrong, I just worded it differently but if you find the video can you tell me what it is

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