The Nightmares

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"Dada, go!" Kathie squealed as she tried to run faster with her chubby small legs as Marcus laughed and pretended to run after his little angel. They were in a park – taking in some fresh air. Marcus sees his daughter trying to adjust her tiny feet on the crisp grass. He was running close to her, making sure she doesn't fall. She was too young to balance herself on the soft ground. Kathie lost her balance and almost fell but Marcus was running so close for a reason. Before she could hit the ground, Marcus held on to her and spun her around – causing Kathie's giggles to echo through the empty park. The sun was out and it was a warm afternoon, it was a pity how other people were missing such pleasant weather but also, it was nice to know that there was no one around them. It was easier for him to keep her safe. The fewer people around, the fewer chances of Kathie to get hurt. He tightly held on to her, making sure he doesn't drop her and hurt her.

"Dada got you," He mumbled to his daughter and placed a loud kiss on her chubby cheek for her to laugh. He put her down before he sat on the wet grass as well. He admirably looked at his daughter she played with the grass while he sat there – looking at her. Marcus felt a lump in his throat. No matter how much he gives to his daughter, he always ends up feeling like he hasn't given her enough. He doesn't want her to feel like she was missing something in her life when she grows up. He heaved a sigh as saw her trying to stand up, but the grass was making the surface slippery. Marcus got on his knees and tried to help her stand. He put his hands under her arms and helped her sat, "There you go," he said softly. Kathie giggled and started to walk forward. Marcus stood on his feet and followed her around, making sure she doesn't fall again or get to the bushes around.

Marcus for a moment looked up at the sky, admiring the clear blue sky when he heard Kathie's laugh. He looked at her to see her speeding her way through the slop. Marcus's eyes widened as he rushed after her, "Kathie!" He called out her name but by the time he reaches her, she fell on the grass and cried. Marcus ran to her and holds her in his arm. He looked for any injuries but there were no injuries, there couldn't be any injuries – she barely stumbled and landed on her knees and palms, but still – she fell. "I am so sorry," Marcus's voice wobbled as he dusted the dirt off her knees and her clothes. He looked into her teary eyes – his heart broke looking at her. He should have been careful.

"You can't even look after her, Marcus." Marcus jerked his head around as he followed the voice. There she stood with a frown on her face, dressed in a white summer dress that ended up to her knees. She was bare feet and her blond hair was open loose and tangled due to the wind. Marcus gulped and shook his head, "No, I can. I can look after her. I just looked away for a second and –" Marcus paused. Susan walked closer to him. Her eyes averted to her daughter in Marcus's arm before she looked back at him, "And she fell." She completed his sentence. Susan smiled sadly as she brushed her knuckle on Kathie's slightly wet and pink cheek, "You think you can look after her, but you can't, Marcus." She softly spoke to him.

Marcus started to panic, that's what she always tells her. "Susan, don't say that. I can look after her and I am looking after her. She is my life," He told her – almost desperately. Susan sniggered, "How can you say that? You know what danger was upon her when you messed things up with Ben and Joe?" She laid the blame on him. Marcus's eyes glossed, "I didn't let them harm her," He spoke in a whisper. Susan paused and smiled, "Yes, you didn't." She whispered back and stepped closer to him. She softly laid her lips on his cheek and rested her palm on his other cheek. She laid her forehead again his jaw before she heaved a sigh and looked into his eyes, "Instead, Charlie got hurt." She whispered back to him. His heart dropped by the words she spoke to him. He shook his head – a tear fell off his eyes, "I didn't mean to drag her into it. I love her – I never wanted her to be hurt." He tried to justify. Susan exhaled, "It doesn't matter, Marcus. It is not in your hands. You cannot protect the people you love. She got hurt – I don't want my daughter to be next," Susan whispered and softly brushed her hand against her cheeks as Kathie stared down at her mother's eyes. Marcus was terrified of Susan at that moment – she was going to take Kathie from him. He couldn't afford to lose her – not now – not ever.

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