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Posting this because my permissions and access to my wattpad account are super messed up right now, and I'm not sure if I can even post stories anymore.

Rated M for heavy petting.

"Do you have normal ears too?"

Hermione closed her eyes, wincing and then turning to glare at Malfoy, hovering behind her, before pointedly tucking a lock of hair behind a normal ear. "Yes. Now go away."

She sniffed and turned back to the books she was browsing.

He leaned against the bookshelf. "It's a polite inquiry."

She shoved the book back into its slot. "You weren't supposed to see them, I asked you very nicely to pretend you hadn't seen them. You said you would, and now you're sneaking up on me in the library and asking personal questions."

She started beelining for the end of the aisle.

He made a frustrated noise. "You have cat ears, Granger."

She whirled on him, wand levelled at his throat. "Keep your voice down."

"You have cat ears," he said again in a stage whisper. "You cannot possibly expect me to pretend I don't know that. Am I supposed to believe that Potter and Weasley simply accepted this news when they found out?"

Hermione blanched and then blushed.

Malfoy's eyes went wide.

"They don't know," he said, his voice finally hushed. He stepped towards her, undeterred by the wand at his throat. "You haven't told them. How on earth have you not told them?"

"It's never come up," she muttered averting her eyes.

Oh god, Malfoy was going to end up completely tangled in her life at this rate.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Didn't you date Weasley? How did cat ears never come up? He didn't find them when he kissed you?"

Hermione choked, both sets of ears burning. She stuck out her chin and sniffed. "I told him not to touch my hair because it tangles."

"What?" Malfoy sounded strangely incredulous. "So you've just pinned them under your hair for — how long?"

Hermione looked away, her cheeks burning. She was pretty sure she was blushing everywhere she was physically capable of blushing at this point. "Second year. I had a potions accident and the petrification issue messed things up a bit."

"Second year?" Malfoy seemed to have completely forgotten about the concept of personal space and was leaning in, peering down at her head without any subtlety as he tried to catch a glimpse at her carefully concealed ears.

If anyone saw them, there would be questions. Malfoy was clearly not going to go away until his curiosity was satisfied. She was tempted to obliviate him and run away.

She sighed.

"If I let you have one good look at them, will you stop bothering me?"

She glared at Malfoy as she reached up and found the painful hairpins that she used to keep her ears folded down under her hair, and pulled them free. Then she cast a counterspell on the disillusionment charm she kept on them so that they'd show clearly, rather than the vague phantom shape that Malfoy had managed to catch sight of the day before.

Her ears instantly pricked up, straightening and twitching in a way that felt horrendously embarrassing.

Malfoy stared at her in silence for several seconds with his mouth ajar. Finally, he swallowed.

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