Chapter 6

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Toby looked up, his mouth agape. He felt tears stream down his face as he looked at Tommy.

Tommy engulfed the brunette into a hug, both sobbing into each others hoodies.

"I-I'm so glad I found you." Toby cried. He felt Tommy nod into his shoulder.

Toby was so happy.

Nothing could ruin this perfect moment.

"Hey what's going on in-" Fundy barged in the door. He paused, a confused look on his face when he saw the two boys hugging, crying into each other. Tommy looked up at Fundy, smiling.

He held out his wrist, showing Fundy the brown band.

The man gasped, running towards the two boys and joining the hug. Toby looked towards the door and saw George and Sapnap smiling. George was looking at Tommy.

Hm wonder what that's about, the brunette thought.

Fundy pulled away with tears in his eyes, "I'm so happy for you boys." he spoke.

Toby nodded while Tommy smiled and hugged him.


"So Toby, do you live with anyone or are you alone?" Fundy questioned. "I have a friend, his name is Wilbur, his soulmate is Niki. He's like my older brother. He found me when I first got here." Fundy continued, "Good. I was hoping you weren't alone out here. Will he be wondering where you are?"

Toby cringed. "I haven't thought about that, he's probably worried sick. I'm going to head home." He turned towards Tommy. "Do you want to come?"

Tommy looked at Fundy for permission, the older nodded. Tommy hugged him and told him he would be back in the morning.

"He might seem scary at first but I promise he's amazing! He'll be so excited to meet you!"

The two boys walked through the woods cautiously. Toby sighed as he felt the sun on his back. He felt good. He felt happy.

Eventually, the two boys reached Toby's home, they ran to the beat down door anxious for Wilbur's reaction.

Toby slowly opened the door, a loud creak sounded throughout the house.

"Hello?" Toby spoke, his voice echoing down the hall.

"Toby?" The boys heard a voice from behind a closed door. Tommy looked at Toby anxiously.

The door opened a fee seconds later, Wilbur emerging.

Tommy looked at the man. He had brown, curly hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a yellow sweater, with black pants and a red beanie. His sword sheathed on his belt.

Wilbur ran towards the two boys and engulfed Toby in a hug. "You've been gone for hours! You can't just leave like that Toby! I was worried, what if something happened to you?" Wilbur yelled, obviously concerned.

Toby bowed his head slowly, shameful. "I'm sorry Wilbur I should have told you."

"Who is this?" Wilbur eyed Tommy. Tommy shifted uncomfortably. "This is Tommy, my soulmate." Toby said with a smile. Wilbur stared at them, his mouth agape.

"You found your soulmate? Oh my god Toby that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Wilbur screeched. Tubbo laughed and showed him his brown band.

Wilbur held his hand out to Tommy, a large grin on his face. Tommy hesitantly took it.

"Welcome to the family."


"Okay, so how are we supposed to take down Phil?" Sapnap questioned.

George paced around the room, thinking of all the scenarios that could happen.

What would happen if Phil knew they were planning to kill him? What would happen if he fought back? Both Sapnap and George knew that they weren't as skilled as the ginger.

George had an idea pop into his head.

"We literally know where he lives, what if we just came into his house while he's sleeping and.. you know." George said cringing towards the end. He didn't want to hurt anyone.

But he had to do this. For his soulmate.

George felt horrible, taking this long to revive his soulmate. They're going to hate me. George thought.

"George? Are you okay?" George was pulled out of his trance by Sapnap calling his name. "Yeah, sorry I was just thinking." George lied.

"Okay, well I said that it's a good idea, but what if he lives with someone? How do we know he's asleep. We can't risk getting caught." Sapnap pointed out. Just then Fundy walked in.

"What are you two planning?" He questioned, his eyebrow raised.

Sapnap and George looked at each other, George sighing and looking back at Fundy.

"We're going to take out my target."

Fundy widened his eyes.

"Any uhm, specific reason?" He stuttered. George grabbed his sleeve, pulling it up.

Fundy quietly gasped upon the sight of the black band. He looked at George.

"Anything I can do?"

George glanced at Sapnap and nodded.


It was a dark night, the moon hidden behind thick clouds. Three figures walked through the forest at a steady pace. Weapons at the ready, alert.

They soon reached the city line, coming to a stop. The three looked at each other and nodded.

"You know the plan."

One ran into the city ahead of the others. The two waiting ten minutes until following.

Upon reaching their destination, they looked up at the hill next to a small hut.

A very faint silhouette of a man was visible, hiding behind the tall grass. He did a quick movement with his hand, signaling to the two he was ready.

One glanced at the other, the latter nodding.

"Let's get this over with."

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