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Then you see Nat..
You walk over to Nat
Nat: y/n..
You: what have I done wrong?
Nat: aww are you worried? Don't be
You start to shout but you don't realise it
You: I seem to mess every single fucking thing up don't I. Every friendship, every relationship.
Nat:y/n you-
You: no, don't tell me I've messed up. I know I have and shit! I don't even know why
Everyone is staring at you
Nat: oh do you want to know why?
You: have I not made that clear enough?
Nat: You have fun with Steve?
Steve: Nat we didn't-
Nat: oh I saw him, I saw him grab you fucking face. I saw it.
You: THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! Nat, I really liked you! I really did..
Nat: you- you do?
You: yes I do, and for the record I didn't kiss Steve

You storm off

A/n: sorry it's so short next part up soon :)

Lost in your beauty -Natasha Romanoff X readerWhere stories live. Discover now